NEW MYTHOLOGIES | JONAS PIHL | 24.09. – 22.10.2021

Galleri Christoffer Egelund is proud to present NEW MYTHOLOGIES which is the second solo exhibition of the Danish visual artist Jonas Pihl. Known for his imaginative paintings he turns the gallery into a portal to another universe and its worlds. 

The works of Jonas Pihl contain the elements of abstraction and randomness together with precise perspective shifts. On top of those, each painting is filled with adventurous components and symbols that bridge the familiar with the unknown, the random and the controlled or in larger terms – the Chaos and the Cosmos. These dualisms are always present in Pihl’s oeuvre. With the thought of the viewer they merge and form a new approach, attitude or mythology. Jonas Pihl believes we are in a need of those and through his works enables us to take on the experience. 

The use of Venetian linen in all the new paintings creates a subtle background for everything that is going on in each painting. The dripping acrylic allows space for randomness when it is the gravity that decides the destination of the drop. The repetition of that action creates a pattern that becomes a decorative element of the painting and that is only the beginning. They are met by geometrical shapes of circles, triangles and squares which give a sense of something tangible by the mind, something we know, something we can hold onto. Then the colour palette adds the wildness portion – in Pihl’s universe all the hues can exist together and form exciting compositions. 

Our world is built from various elements that bind everything together. The fractal systems, Fibonacci sequence or the circle are just some examples of structures that are foundational to the existence. The small connects to the large, the micro cosmos becomes the macro cosmos. There is an order that initiates the beginning and end of each particle. The mind can only comprehend so much, but the ethereal is in symbiosis with the material. The paintings of Jonas Pihl form compositions that allow for their content to elevate to a higher effect. 

Jonas Pihl considers himself a spectator of the present, having in mind that it is like a curtain that offers many layers of experience, depending on any individual. This approach has paradoxically made him present – and not distanced – to the here and now, perhaps because he is not engrossed in it.

The works shown as part of the exhibition point to sci-fi-like figurations and virtual spaces that create the titled NEW MYTHOLOGIES that the viewer can step into. It is a getaway from the constantly changing contemporary world. The concentration of the works with their dualisms stems from an ideology that two seemingly contradictory poles might merge in a dialogue about something higher, rather that causing a dispute. 

Jonas Pihl was born in 1978. He lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has received BFA and MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art under Professor Jesper Christiansen. Together with his MFA Pihl also has a Diploma from Sisifos Centre for Psychotherapy. The artist has exhibited widely in Denmark, Europe and USA. His works are represented in private and public collections such as: Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Københavns Kommunes Kulturudvalg and Copenhagen Airport.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the exhibition NEW MYTHOLOGIES by Jonas Pihl Friday, September 24th from 15.00 to 19.00. The artist will be present during the opening reception and we will serve cool drinks and snacks. The show will run until October 22nd. Facemasks are no longer required, but we kindly remind you to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday 15-18, Saturday 12-16. For further information and sales request, please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00. Bredgade 75, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark. For more info visit


Galleri Christoffer Egelund is proud to present the young Tokyo-based artist, Yuichi Hirako’s third solo exhibition “Sprout”. The exhibition consists of a series of new paintings and sculptures where the Japanese artist seeks towards the light and examines the beneficial interaction between human and nature. It is the modern urbanized human being own relationship with the wild nature, which is central to Hirako’s artistic work. In a exuberant dream world where human life intermarriage with the primeval forest, Hirako identifies with both humor and insight the state of the civilization.
Antrophomorphic creatures inhabit the sprouting scenes of Yuichi Hirakos paintings and for a while the rooms of Galleri Christoffer Egelund as well when the plant-like beings seem to have crawled from the canvases into the rooms as sculptures. The renaissance artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo painted fantastic portrait heads made out of flowers, vegetables or fruits. In Hirakos paintings it seems like these plant people have been attributed bodies to walk around in a fairytale-like universe. Animated brushwork and pulsating colouring forms a world where the boundaries between culture and nature, man and plant and indoors/outdoors are non-existent.
In the art of Hirako it is not only nature and man that meet but also Western and Eastern notions. In Japan plants have earlier been given a godlike status, a phenomenon called Shinboku. In Western myths and fairy tales the wood and wild nature have been associated with quite other meanings; this is the habitat of witches, trolls and other horrific creatures. Hirako’s forests contain the holy and magical as well as the gloomy and threatening; this artist uses equally sized portions of light and dark colours.
Yuichi Hirako (b. 1982 in Okayama, Japan) graduated from Wimbledon College of Art in London in 2005. He now lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Since his graduation he has exhibited at national as well as international venues including; The Museum of Modern Art (Gunma) in Japan, Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Museum of Kyoto, Temporary Contemporary in London. He has received several art prizes from which could be mentioned VOCA 2013 (Vision of Contemporary Art), Tokyo Wonderwall Prize 2010 and Shell Art Award 2009.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund cordially invites you to the opening of Yuichi Hirako: Sprout, Friday the 13th  of October 2015. The artist will be present during the opening reception. The exhibition will run until November the 25th. Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 11-18, Saturdays 12-16. For further information on artworks and press photos please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00. View all works

Fernisering: Surfing – Al Masson

På fredag åbner Al Massons store soloudstilling Surfing i Museumsbygningen.
Ved ferniseringen, som finder sted fra kl.17-19, vil der være performance v. Al Masson og kongelig balletdanserinde Astrid Grarup Elbo kl.17.50.

Læs mere om udstillingen her.


Fernisering // Erik A. Frandsen – Preview

Erik A. Frandsen – Preview
Fotografi og maleri

Fernisering 4. september kl.16.00

Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel byder Erik A. Frandsen velkommen.

Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel har indledt et samarbejde med den danske kunstner Erik A. Frandsen og viser i den forbindelse en mindre udstilling af Frandsens værker – en større og mere omfattende udstilling planlægges i 2015.

Erik A. Frandsen blev født i Randers i 1957, er autodidakt billedkunstner og bor i dag i København og på Falster.

Frandsen startede for alvor sin kunstneriske karriere i 1980erne, hvor han var en af drivkræfterne bag det kunstneriske fællesskab ‘Værkstedet Værst’ samt en del af bevægelsen ‘Det vilde maleri’.
Siden har Frandsen opnået betydelig anerkendelse indenfor kunstverdenen både nationalt og internationalt, hvorfor flere af landets museer har vist soloudstillinger med hans værker og han løbende tildeles større udsmykningsopgaver, senest Landstingssalen på Christiansborg.

Erik A. Frandsen inspireres af de intime, nære relationer i familien og af hverdagens banaliteter. Selv udtaler Frandsen, at hans værker er: ”Små skæve billeder på den virkelighed vi hele tiden får stoppet i hovedet som en rigtighed fra diverse fjernsynskanaler” – en virkelighed han sætter spørgsmålstegn ved og udfordrer gennem sin kunst.

Frandsen genbruger ofte sine motiver, men udtrykket ændres konstant qua hans evindelige udforskning af forskellige materialer; maleri, mosaik, neon, stål, scagliola m.m. Et gennemgående træk ved alle Frandsens værker er dog, at udgangspunktet er fotografi.

På udstillingen hos Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel præsenteres et mindre, men repræsentativt og forskelligartet udvalg af Erik A. Frandsens værker.

Erik A. Frandsen – Preview, 5.-21. september 2014, Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel, Museumsbygningen, Kastelsvej 18, 2100 København Ø, tirs-lør 12-16



Louise Hindsgavl from Artist Video Branding   Copenhagen based ceramic artist Louise Hindsgavl talks about her fascination of the absurd and the need to reboot her artistic approach. Courtesy Galleri Christoffer Egelund
Louise Hindsgavl
from Artist Video Branding
Copenhagen based ceramic artist Louise Hindsgavl talks about her fascination of the absurd and the need to reboot her artistic approach.
Courtesy Galleri Christoffer Egelund




Galleri Christoffer Egelund er stolt af at kunne præsentere den tredje soloudstilling af den danske keramikkunstner Louise Hindsgavl (f. 1973) under titlen Mediocity Is No Crime.

Fra sikker afstand ser det ganske uskyldigt ud. Men træder man tættere på Louise Hindsgavls porcelænsfigurationer, får man sig en uventet og til tider ubehagelig overraskelse. Hvor man med porcelænsmaterialets bagage forventer friske hyrdedrenge og lyshårede skønjomfruer, får man i stedet sammenstykkede skabninger, der for længst har mistet deres uskyld. En storvommet mand med hesteben udfører et kirurgisk indgreb på en fasttømret engel, en godmodig malkeko udfører intimkirurgi på sig selv og abstrakte elementer smelter sammen med de deforme væsener. Hindsgavls arbejde har været banebrydende inden for det kunstneriske arbejde med porcelænet, og flere kunstnere er siden fulgt efter i udviklingen af en ny figurativ porcelænskunst. Louise Hindsgavl flytter på underfundig vis porcelænsfiguren ud af den utopiske glansbillede-idyl, den normalt hviler i, og får den til at forholde sig til den virkelige verden.

På udstillingen Mediocrity is no crime præsenterer Louise Hindsgavl os for to nye værkserier herunder en serie af “hvide værker”, der lægger sig i forlængelse af kunstnerens tidligere arbejde. I værket Quiet Please møder vi en desperat dådyrmor med bjørnehoved, der er ved at klippe snuden af sit kid. Frustration og afmagt har drevet hende til dette kontroltab, hvilket understreges ved, at skulpturen er vendt på hovedet. Et andet sted i galleriet hænger en menneskeligenende karrekter, der er i færd med at skære næsen af sig selv i jagten på den ideelle skønhed.

Abstraktionen har en fremtrædende plads i Louise Hindsgavls nye arbejde, og abstrakte elementer angriber figurerne og fremviser transformationen, det ubegribelige og det usagte. I serien Sketch for a Larger Life fører Louise Hindsgavl abstraktionen skridtet videre. I de noget mindre og ganske farverige værker findes reminiscenser fra Hindsgavls figurative univers, fx træet, men ellers er det abstraktionen, der har fået overtaget. Figurerne står som abstrakte fortællinger, der tillader kunstneren at bearbejde det udefinerbare og samtidig åbne op for fortolkningsmulighederne. Med serien genindfører hun et element af leg og frihed i sin praksis, og stiller sig selv spørgsmålet: hvor perfekt skal det egentlig være?

Louise Hindsgavl kommenterer med udstillingen vores evige higen efter perfektionen. Hvad enten det drejer sig om børneopdragelse, arbejdsliv eller udseende skal alt helst være gjort 120 procent. Men en sådan bestræbelse har konsekvenser; vi går ned med stress, bliver depressive og tyndslidte. Den blanke, rene porcelæn symboliserer på fineste vis den finpudsede facade, vi forsøger at opretholde overfor omverdenen. Men kommer man tættere på og kradser en smule i glasuren, finder man hurtigt frem til det kaos, den usikkerhed og de undertrykte længsler, som hersker bag facaden.

Louise Hindsgavl er uddannet ved Designskolen i Kolding ved Linien for Keramik og Glas (1994-1999). Hun har siden sin afgang ved Designskolen udstillet i Norden, Europa, USA og Asien. Hun er repræsenteret i væsentlige samlinger nationalt og internationalt herunder Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, USA; MAD, Museum of Art and Design, New York, USA; Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Sverige; Victoria and Albert Museum London, UK; Designmuseum Danmark; Trapholt, Danmark og ASU Art Museum, Arizona, USA. Hun er blandt andet blevet tildelt Statens Kunstfonds 3-årige Arbejdsstipendium (2010), Silkeborg Kunstnerlegat (2010), Statens Kunstfonds Arbejdslegat (2008, 2006, 2004) og Biennaleprisen, Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design (2004).

Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer dig til fernisering på udstillingen Mediocrity Is No Crime fredag den 28. Marts i tidsrummet 17-20. Ved ferniseringen vil kunstneren være til stede. Udstillingen løber frem til den 19. april 2014. Åbningstider: mandag–fredag 11-18, lørdage fra 12-16. For mere information og pressefotografier, kontakt venligst galleriet på: eller på +45 33 93 92 00. For at se de udstillede værker klik her




Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly presents the third solo exhibition by the Danish ceramic artist Louise Hindsgavl (b. 1973) entitled Mediocrity Is No Crime.

From a safe distance it looks quite innocent. But take a step closer to the porcelain figurations of Louise Hindsgavl, and you will have an unexpected, and sometimes unpleasant, surprise. Where you would expect cheerful shepherd boys and fair maidens you get complex creatures that lost their innocence long ago. A man with a full-grown paunch and legs of a horse is tearing open the back of an angel rendered helpless by a huge nail through its wings, a milking cow is performing intimate surgery on herself and abstract elements are melting into the deformed beings. Louise Hindsgavl has uncovered new territories within the field of porcelain art where others have since followed. Hindsgavl removes the porcelain figure from the utopian world where it normally resides and makes it take a position in the real world, a place not always so picture perfect.

At the exhibition Mediocrity is no crime Louise Hindsgavl presents two new series including a series of “white pieces” in continuation of the earlier work of the artist. In the sculpture Quiet Please we come across a frustrated doe whose head is that of a bear. She is just about to cut of the nose of her own fawn. Desperation and powerlessness has driven her to this loss of control which is highlighted by the fact that the piece is turned upside down. Another piece at the exhibition shows a human figurine who is on the point of cutting of his own nose for the sake of ideal beauty.

Abstraction occupies a prominent place in the new work of Louise Hindsgavl, and abstract elements seem to attack the figures and show the incomprehensible and the unsaid. In the series Sketch for a Larger Life Hindsgavl takes the abstraction to the next level. In these somewhat smaller and more colorful porcelain pieces it is possible to find reminiscences of the figurative universe of Hindsgavl, e.g. the tree, but other than that abstraction has taken over. The abstract narratives allow the artist to deal with the indefinable and at the same time open her artworks up to interpretation. With this series she reintroduces an element of play and freedom into her praxis, and raises the question: how perfect does it have to be?

With this exhibition, Louise Hindsgavl comments on our eternal search for perfection. Whether it concerns family life, working life or our looks, everything should be done a 120 percent. But such an endeavor has its consequences; stress, depression and frayed nerves. The shiny, clean surface of the porcelain symbolizes in a most delicate way the perfect appearances we are trying to keep up. But if you step closer and scratch the glaze you will quickly find the chaos, insecurity and imperfection hiding underneath.

Louise Hindsgavl graduated from Designskolen, Kolding, DK, in 1999 from the Department of ceramics and glass. She has exhibited widely in Denmark, Europe, the US and Asia since her graduation. She is represented in major collections worldwide including: Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, USA, MAD, Museum of Art and Design, New York, USA, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Sweden; Victoria and Albert Museum London, UK; Designmuseum Denmark; Trapholt, Danmark and ASU Art Museum, Arizona, USA. Furthermore, among others, she has received: The Danish Art Foundation work grant of 3 years (2010), Silkeborg artist grant (2010), The Danish Art Foundation grant (2008, 2006, 2004) and The Biennale Award, The Biennale of Louise HindgavlArts and Craft and Design (2004).

Galleri Christoffer Egelund cordially invites you to the opening of Mediocrity Is No Crime on Friday the 28th of March 2014. The exhibition will run until April the 19th. Opening hours: Monday-Friday 11-18, Saturdays 12-16. For further information and press photographs please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00. To view exhibited works click here


Jacob Dahlstrup, Cosmographicum, 17.05.-15.06.2013, Galleri Christoffer Egelund,
Jacob Dahlstrup, Cosmographicum, 17.05.-15.06.2013, Galleri Christoffer Egelund,

Det er en stor glæde for Galleri Christoffer Egelund at præsentere udstillingen “Cosmographicum” med nye papirarbejder og keramiske værker af Jacob Dahlstrup (f. 1985).
Værkerne udspiller sig i et unikt krydsfelt mellem fascinationen af rummet “cosmos” og det at tegne, eller kortlægge “graphicum”. Både i motiver og størrelser spænder værkerne vidt, fra små intenst detaljerede studier af månens overflade til store dramatiske eksplosioner i himmelrummet. Interessen for cosmos har også tidligere givet sig til udtryk i Jacob Dahlstrups værker hvor bl.a. Galileo Galilei og Johannes Kepler har været i centrum. Med denne udstilling har kunstneren rettet søgelyset mod den nyere tids rumeventyr med fabulerende referencer til velkendte billedfremstillinger af f.eks. Månelandingen og Apollo rumprogrammet i sin helhed.
For Dahlstrup er værkets materialitet en central del af fortællingen. Her fungerer papiret ikke blot som en tegnegrund men bearbejdes i dybden gennem påføring af pulverpigment af grafit og rødkalk, også kaldet Sanguine. Pigmenterne arbejdes langsomt ind i papiret og når den dybe mørke tone er etableret graves de lyse nuancer og en ny tekstur frem af papirets fiber ved hjælpe af både sandpapir, sliberedskaber og tatovørnåle.
Med sproglig hilsen i udstillingstitlen til Johannes Keplers udgivelse om universets mysterium “Mysterium Cosmographicum” inviterer Jacob Dahlstrups værker os på en rejse i tid og rum i selskab med såvel astronauter og nonner som strålende himmellegemer og aber.
Jacob Dahlstrup (f. 1985) bor og arbejder i København. Han er uddannet fra Glasgow School of Art i 2010 og har allerede udstillet sine værker i USA, Frankrig, Storbritannien, Spanien og Tyskland m.m. Derudover indgår Dahlstrups værker i The Davis Museum, Massachusetts, USA og CCA Andratx Collection, Mallorca, Spanien.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer til fernisering på udstillingen “Cosmographicum” fredag den 17. maj i tidsrummet kl. 16-19. Ved ferniseringen vil Jacob Dahlstrup være til stede. Udstillingen løber frem til den 15. juni 2013. Åbningstider: mandag–fredag 11-18, lørdage fra 12-16. For mere information og pressefotografier, kontakt venligst galleriet på: eller på +45 33 93 92 00.For flere billeder klik her
Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly presents the exhibition “Cosmographicum” featuring new works on paper and ceramic sculptures by Jacob Dahlstrup (b. 1985).
The works come to life in a unique intersection between the fascination of outer space, “cosmos” and the concept of drawing or mapping “graphicum”. In motifs as well as scale the works represents a wide range of expressions, from small intensely detailed studies of the surface of the moon to grand dramatic celestial explosions. The interest in cosmos has also been featured in Dahlstrups earlier works where e.g. Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler has been the center of attention. With this exhibition the artist aimes his spotlight at the space adventures of modern times with imaginative narrative references to the well know images of e.g. the moon landing and the entire Apollo space program.
The materiality of the works also play a central role in Dahlstrups narratives. Here the paper does not solely serve as a practical base for the drawings but is carefully treated to give an impression of depth and texture. Through an intense application of graphite and red chalk –also called Sanguine- onto the surface Dahlstrup creates a deep dark surface from which he then digs out the lighter nuances from the paper’s fibres using sand paper, grinding tools and even tattoo needles.
With a linguistic greeting in the exhibition title to Johannes Kepler’s publication on the mystries of the univers entitled “Mysterium Cosmographicum” Dahlstrup invites us on a journey in time and space in the grand company of both astronauts, nuns, shining celestial bodies and monkeys.
Jacob Dahlstrup (b. 1985) lives and works in Copenhagen, Danmark. He graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 2010 and has already exhibit his works in USA, France, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany etc. Furthermore Dahlstrups works are included in The Davis Museum, Massachusetts, US and CCA Andratx Collection, Mallorca, Spain.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the show “Cosmographicum” on Friday May 17th from 4pm – 7pm. At the reception Jacob Dahlstrup will be present. The exhibition will run until June 15th 2013. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photographs, please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00.


IDA KVETNY / SOLOUDSTILLING / RAM / 21.09.-20.10.2012

Ida Kvetny
Ida Kvetny
The Amphitheatre, 2012
Acrylic, gel-pen, pastel on paper, 76 x 57 cm.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer dig til fernisering på udstillingen ”RAM” fredag den 21. september i tidsrummet kl. 16-19. Udstillingen åbnes af DR’s kulturvært Adrian Hughes, kendt fra ”Smagsdommerne” og ”Kunstquizzen” kl. 16.05. Ved ferniseringen vil Ida Kvetny være til stede og den unge skandinaviske trio Scarlet Pleasure give koncert. Udstillingen løber frem til 20. oktober.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund kan med stor glæde præsentere udstillingen ”RAM” af den danske kunstner Ida Kvetny (f. 1980). Det er første gang hun udstiller solo i galleriet, og udstillingen indeholder nye malerier, skulpturer, tegninger, relieffer, animation og installation.

Kvetny er kendt for at skildre et enestående og originalt drømmeunivers fyldt med fantasifigurer og stærke farveflader. I de seneste fem år har den talentfulde kunstner eksperimenteret med forskellige konstellationer indenfor skulptur, maleri, animation og tegning for derigennem at undersøge maleriet som medie; dets muligheder og begrænsninger.

Udstillingens titel ”RAM” henviser både til det engelske ord for vædder, og dermed til den klassiske myte om Jason, samt er forkortelsen for ”Random Access Memory”, dvs. betegnelsen for en computers arbejdshukommelse. Jason var den fordrevne kongesøn, som erobrede ”Det gyldne skind” og dermed faderens kongetrone tilbage fra en ondsindet onkel. På udstillingen viser Kvetny nye værker, der tematisk lader sig inspirere af titlen. Temaerne tæller bl.a. mod, magi, heltedyrkelse og rejsen som fænomen.

Vi møder bl.a. en installation med en tre meter høj træskulptur (udført i samarbejde med skulptør Finn Rúne) og en række malerier. Træskulpturen består af enkelte geometriske elementer, en tønde og en krukke, og øverst et vædderhoved. Indholdsmæssigt peger skulpturen tilbage på motiverne i malerierne, som repræsenterer en kompleks og magisk drømmeverden, hvor et vædderhoved i flere tilfælde dukker op. Installationen er et bud på en nutidig, visuel rejse efter et dyreskind i et udefinerbart, magisk rum. Med værkets iscenesættelse undersøger Kvetny samtidigt tiden, formen, rytmen og fortællingen, der gemmer sig i et traditionelt maleri.

I tilknytning til betegnelsen ”Random Access Memory” udforsker Kvetny desuden automattegningen og det spontant abstrakte maleri. Motivisk er udstillingens malerier en eksplosion af former, overlappende flader, psykedeliske mønstre, signalkraftige farver, dyr og ansigter. Værkerne indbyder til en rejse igennem en række visuelle labyrinter i lighed med internettet, der inviterer til et utal af mere eller mindre kontrollerede billedindtryk. Imens myten om Jason blev mundtligt overleveret og nedskrevet, så spørger Kvetny bl.a. her til, hvorvidt det er tilfældigt, hvilke historier der gemmes og overleveres i vores informationsteknologiske samfund.

Ida Kvetny bor og arbejder i København. I 2007 tog hun en Master i Fine Art fra Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design i London. Hendes værker har bl.a. været vist på udstillingen ”Comix!” (2007) på Brandts i Odense og på den store samlerudstilling ”Mad Love” (2007) på Arken Museum for Moderne Kunst. Herudover har hun bl.a. udstillet på Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Museum of Art, Seoul National University og i en lang række gallerier. I foråret 2012 blev hun optaget i Kraks Blå Bog, og i den nærmeste fremtid kan man bl.a. opleve hendes værker hos Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles og hos Munch Gallery i New York.

Åbningstider: mandag–fredag 11-18, lørdage fra 12-16. For mere information og pressefotografier, kontakt venligst galleriet på: eller på +45 33 93 92 00.
Se alle de udstillede værker på


Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the exhibition ”RAM” on Friday September 21st from 4pm – 7pm. The Exhibition will be opened by DR’s Cultural host Adrian Hughes, known from “Smagsdommerne and Kunstquizzen” at 4 pm. At the opening Ida Kvetny will be present and the young Scandinavian trio Scarlet Pleasure give a concert. The exhibition will run until October 20th.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly present the exhibition “RAM” by the Danish artist Ida Kvetny (b. 1980). It is her first solo show at the gallery and the exhibition includes new paintings, sculptures, drawings, reliefs, animation and installation.

Kvetny is known for her unique and original dreamlike universe filled with fantasy figures and strong multicolored surfaces. In the past five years, the talented artist has experimented with different constellations of sculptures, paintings, animation and drawings in order to explore the painting as a medium; it’s possibilities and limitations.

The exhibition title “RAM” refers to the classical myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece and is also short for “Random Access Memory”; a form of computer data storage. Jason was a displaced prince, who captured the Golden Fleece and thus conquered his father’s throne back from his malicious uncle. At the exhibition Kvetny shows new works thematically inspired by the title. Among others the themes include courage, magic, hero worship and the journey as a phenomenon.

At the exhibition Kvetny shows an installation consisting of a three-meter high wooden sculpture (in collaboration with sculptor Finn Rúne) and a series of paintings. The sculpture is build of simple geometric elements; a barrel, a jar, and the head of a ram on the top. In terms of content the sculpture points to the motifs in her paintings, which represent a complex and magical dreamlike world, where a ram is often included. The installation suggests a contemporary visual journey seeking an animal skin in an indefinable, magical space. By the presentation of this work Kvetny also explores the shape, rhythm and the narrative, which a traditional painting stands for.

In connection with the word “Random Access Memory”, Kvetny also explores the automatic drawing and the abstract painting. The paintings are an explosion of shapes, surfaces that overlap, psychedelic patterns, vibrant colors, animals and faces. The works invite you on a journey through a series of visual mazes, like the Internet, which result in a multitude of more or less controlled imagery. While the myth of Jason was orally passed on and then written down, Kvetny here ask whether the stories, that get stored and transmitted in today’s information age is randomly selected.

Ida Kvetny lives and works in Copenhagen. In 2007 she took a Master in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. Her works have been shown at the exhibition “Comix!” (2007) at Brandts in Odense and at the major collectors show “Mad Love” (2007) at Arken Museum of Modern Art. In addition, she has exhibited at Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Museum of Art, Seoul National University and in numerous galleries. Spring 2012 she was included in “Kraks Blå bog”, and in the near future you can see her works at Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles and at Munch Gallery in New York.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photographs, please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00.
All the exhibited works can be viewed at