XMAS21 | The Big Annual Winter Show | 17th Edition | 03.12-22.01.2022

XMAS21 | THE BIG ANNUAL WINTER GROUP SHOW | 17TH EDITION | 03.12.2021 – 22.01.2022

We are very excited to invite you to the big annual group show XMAS21 – the 17th Edition. It is your chance to see the works by your favourite artists and discover new talents. Allow yourself to be drawn to various styles, techniques and materials. Different shapes and colours – we have them all! We are bringing prominent Danish artists together with international superstars, all in a merry and joyful spirit of celebrations. 

The big annual winter show at Galleri Christoffer Egelund is where the magic happens. We put together diverse pieces and allow imagination to be the only limit. With an open-minded approach, contemporary works such as paintings, sculptures, photography, drawings and reliefs perform well together and we wish for our audience to experience this artsy symbiosis. The jolly season it is all about sharing and we would like to continue to do so with art, atmosphere, joy and celebrations. 

This year we are proud to present 38 specially selected artists:

Alec Demarco (US); Aline Alegem (IL/DE); Anders Moseholm (DK); Armando Marino (CU); Austin Stern (US); Brian Harte (IE); Cesc Abad (SP); Christoffer Joergensen (DK/CH); Crystel Ceresa (CH); Eamon O’Kane (IE); Ekin Su Koç (DE/TR); Eva Louise Buus (DK); Gregers Heering (DK/US); Helen Robinson (US); Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen (DK); Henrik S. Simonsen (DK); Janina Myronova (UA); Jet-te L. Ranning (DK); Jiri Geller (FI); Joe Davidson (US); John Norris (US); Jonas Pihl (DK); Julie Von Lotzbeck (DK); Kathy Sirico (US); Krista Rosenkilde (DK); Mads Rafte Hein (DK); Marco Evaristti (CL/DK); Mazja Hillestrøm (DK); Melanie Daniel (CA); Michael Á Grømma (DK); Niels Corfitzen (DK); Olaf Hajek (DE); Per Adolfsen (DK); Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir (IS); Søren Hagen (DK); Thierry Feuz (AU/CH); Tilde Grynnerup (DK); Willi Tomes (DE)

The opening take place Friday, 3rd of December from 16 to 19. Many of the artists will be present during the reception and we will serve our famous gallery Christmas Gløgg. The exhibition runs until January 22nd 2022. We kindly remind you to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday 15-18, Saturday 12-16. For further information and sales request, please contact the gallery at: hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92. Bredgade 75, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark. 

We wish you a Merry Christmas.



Det er med stor glæde, at vi inviterer til den store årlige vinter gruppeudstilling XMAS21 – den 17. udgave. Du har mulighed for at se værkerne af dine yndlingskunstnere samt opdage nye talenter. Tillad dig selv at blive draget af de forskellige stilarter, teknikker, materialer, forskellige former og farver. Gruppeudstillingen er med fremtrædende danske kunstnere og internationale superstjerner som samlet giver et godt indtryk af samtidskunst scenen netop nu.

Den store årlige vinterudstilling i Galleri Christoffer Egelund er fyldt med kunstmagi. Vi har sammensat en udstilling med stor diversitet og hvor fantasien er grænseløs.

Med en åben tilgang til kunsten opstår en unik kunstnerisk symbiose i samspil mellem malerier, skulpturer, fotografi, tegninger og relieffer. Årstiden handler om at dele de gode oplevelser, og udstillingen er starten på en festlig årstid med kunst.

I år er vi stolte over at kunne præsentere 38 særligt udvalgte kunstnere:

Alec Demarco (US); Aline Alegem (IL/DE); Anders Moseholm (DK); Armando Marino (CU); Austin Stern (US); Brian Harte (IE); Cesc Abad (SP); Christoffer Joergensen (DK/CH); Crystel Ceresa (CH); Eamon O’Kane (IE); Ekin Su Koç (DE/TR); Eva Louise Buus (DK); Gregers Heering (DK/US); Helen Robinson (US); Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen (DK); Henrik S. Simonsen (DK); Janina Myronova (UA); Jet-te L. Ranning (DK); Jiri Geller (FI); Joe Davidson (US); John Norris (US); Jonas Pihl (DK); Julie Von Lotzbeck (DK); Kathy Sirico (US); Krista Rosenkilde (DK); Mads Rafte Hein (DK); Marco Evaristti (CL/DK); Mazja Hillestrøm (DK); Melanie Daniel (CA); Michael Á Grømma (DK); Niels Corfitzen (DK); Olaf Hajek (DE); Per Adolfsen (DK); Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir (IS); Søren Hagen (DK); Thierry Feuz (AU/CH); Tilde Grynnerup (DK); Willi Tomes (DE)

Udstillingen åbner fredag den 3. december kl 16-19.  Mange af kunstnerne vil være til stede under ferniseringen, hvor der traditionen tro serveres vores gode kendte julegløgg. Udstillingen slutter den 22. januar 2022. Vi minder venligst om at alle holder en sikker afstand til andre gæster.

Åbningstider: onsdag-fredag 15-18, lørdag 12.00-16.00 eller efter aftale. For yderligere information om værkerne bedes man henvende sig til galleriet på hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk eller telefon +45 33939200. Bredgade 75, 1260 København K. Klik ind på www.christofferegelund.dk for flere detaljer.

Vi ønsker Jer en rigtig Glædelig Jul!

NEW MYTHOLOGIES | JONAS PIHL | 24.09. – 22.10.2021

Galleri Christoffer Egelund is proud to present NEW MYTHOLOGIES which is the second solo exhibition of the Danish visual artist Jonas Pihl. Known for his imaginative paintings he turns the gallery into a portal to another universe and its worlds. 

The works of Jonas Pihl contain the elements of abstraction and randomness together with precise perspective shifts. On top of those, each painting is filled with adventurous components and symbols that bridge the familiar with the unknown, the random and the controlled or in larger terms – the Chaos and the Cosmos. These dualisms are always present in Pihl’s oeuvre. With the thought of the viewer they merge and form a new approach, attitude or mythology. Jonas Pihl believes we are in a need of those and through his works enables us to take on the experience. 

The use of Venetian linen in all the new paintings creates a subtle background for everything that is going on in each painting. The dripping acrylic allows space for randomness when it is the gravity that decides the destination of the drop. The repetition of that action creates a pattern that becomes a decorative element of the painting and that is only the beginning. They are met by geometrical shapes of circles, triangles and squares which give a sense of something tangible by the mind, something we know, something we can hold onto. Then the colour palette adds the wildness portion – in Pihl’s universe all the hues can exist together and form exciting compositions. 

Our world is built from various elements that bind everything together. The fractal systems, Fibonacci sequence or the circle are just some examples of structures that are foundational to the existence. The small connects to the large, the micro cosmos becomes the macro cosmos. There is an order that initiates the beginning and end of each particle. The mind can only comprehend so much, but the ethereal is in symbiosis with the material. The paintings of Jonas Pihl form compositions that allow for their content to elevate to a higher effect. 

Jonas Pihl considers himself a spectator of the present, having in mind that it is like a curtain that offers many layers of experience, depending on any individual. This approach has paradoxically made him present – and not distanced – to the here and now, perhaps because he is not engrossed in it.

The works shown as part of the exhibition point to sci-fi-like figurations and virtual spaces that create the titled NEW MYTHOLOGIES that the viewer can step into. It is a getaway from the constantly changing contemporary world. The concentration of the works with their dualisms stems from an ideology that two seemingly contradictory poles might merge in a dialogue about something higher, rather that causing a dispute. 

Jonas Pihl was born in 1978. He lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has received BFA and MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art under Professor Jesper Christiansen. Together with his MFA Pihl also has a Diploma from Sisifos Centre for Psychotherapy. The artist has exhibited widely in Denmark, Europe and USA. His works are represented in private and public collections such as: Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Københavns Kommunes Kulturudvalg and Copenhagen Airport.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the exhibition NEW MYTHOLOGIES by Jonas Pihl Friday, September 24th from 15.00 to 19.00. The artist will be present during the opening reception and we will serve cool drinks and snacks. The show will run until October 22nd. Facemasks are no longer required, but we kindly remind you to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday 15-18, Saturday 12-16. For further information and sales request, please contact the gallery at: hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92 00. Bredgade 75, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark. For more info visit www.christofferegelund.dk

17TH EDITION / SUMMERTIME’21?? / The Big Annual Group Show / FRIDAY JUNE 25TH FROM 4-7 PM


We are proud to present the 17th edition of SUMMERTIME’21 which will introduce you to a variety of artists that significantly represent the current art scene 2021.
Common denominators for the participating artists are talent of high scale, diversity, global artsy feeling and a desire to experiment with materials and formats in new ways.
The curated selection of paintings, relief, sculptures, drawings, photos and textile art leaves us astonished and ready to enjoy the season. SUMMERTIME’21 is a recurring celebration of artist talent and we are absolutely thrilled to present this year’s selected artist:

Alec DeMarco (US) | Anders Moseholm (DK) | Armando Mariño (US) | Austin Stern (US) | Brian Harte (IE) | Cesc Abad (SP) | Christoffer Joergensen (CH) | Crystel Ceresa (CH) | Eamon O’Kane (IE) | Ekin Su Koç (TR) | Eva Louise Buus (DK) | Filip Juhl (DK) | Gregers Heering (DK) | Helen Robinson (US) | Henrik S Simonsen (DK) | Jet-te L. Ranning (DK) | Jiri Geller (FI) | Jonas Pihl (DK) | Julie von Lotzbeck (DK) | Kathy Sirico (US) | Krista Rosenkilde (DK) | Krystof Strej? (CZ) | Mads Rafte Hein (DK) | Mazja Hillestrøm (DK) | Michael á Grømma (DK) | Niels Corfitzen (DK) | Olaf Hajek (DE) | René Holm (DK) | Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir (IS) | Thierry Feuz (CH) | Tilde Grynnerup (DK) | Willi Tomes (DE)

Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the exhibition SUMMERTIME’21 Friday, June 25th from 16.00-19.00. The exhibition will run until the 28th of August. Facemasks are no longer required, but we kindly remind you to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday from 15-18, Saturday from 12-16. We are also open by appointment. For further information and sales request, please contact the gallery at: hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92 00.
Bredgade 75, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark. For more details also please visit www.christofferegelund.dk

FERNISERING: Rewriting Histories

(English version below)

Fotografisk Center inviterer med glæde til fernisering på udstillingen: Rewriting Histories.
Fernisering torsdag d. 5. november, kl. 17-19. (Bygning 55, Staldgade 16, 1699 Kbh. V)
Udstillingen er åben fra 6. november til 20. december.

Rewriting Histories viser med udgangspunkt i Kran Film Collectives arkiv en række væsentlige internationale film-, video-dias- og fotoværker, der alle kredser omkring tematikkerne arkiv og historie.
Udstillingen er kurateret i samarbejde med billedkunstner Lasse Lau (DK) og professor Benj Gerdes (USA).

Rewriting Histories bliver vist i sammenhæng med dokumentarfestivallen CPH:DOX.

Værkerne på udstillingen Rewriting Histories genbesøger historiske begivenheder og undersøger hvad receptionen af fortiden betyder for opfattelsen af nutiden. Ved at genfortælle historien på en ny måde og fra et nutidigt perspektiv, peger udstillingens kunstnere på historien som en – ofte ideologisk – konstruktion.

Deltagende kunstnere på udstillingen: Akram Zaatari, Andrea Geyer, Benj Gerdes & Jennifer Hayashida, Benjamin Tiven, Katya Sander, Kajsa Dahlberg, Lasse Lau, Matthew Buckingham, Michelle Dizon, Nanna Debois Buhl, Pia Arke & Anders Jørgensen, Raed Yassin, Rania Rafei & Raed Rafei, Regina José Galindo, Robert Ochshorn, Sergio De La Torre, Sarah Vanagt & Katrien Vermeire, William E Jones.

***Alle er velkomne!

/// English:

Fotografisk Center invites you to our vernissage on the exhibition Rewriting Histories.
The vernissage is on Thursday 5th of November, at 5-7pm (Bygning 55, Staldgade 16, 1699 Kbh. V).
The exhibition is open from November the 6th until December 20th.

Rewriting Histories is showing a number of important, international films, slides, photos and videoworks constructed from the archive of Kran Film Collective.
The exhibition is curated in collaboration with artist Lasse Lau (DK) and professor Benj Gerdes (US).

Rewriting Histories opens in conjunction with the documentary festival CPH:DOX.

The works at the exhibition Rewriting Histories are revisiting historical events and investigating what the reception of the past means for the understanding of the present. By retelling the history in a new way and from a present perspective are the artists of the exhibition pointing at the history as a – often ideological – construction.

Attending artists on the exhibition: Akram Zaatari, Andrea Geyer, Benj Gerdes & Jennifer Hayashida, Benjamin Tiven, Katya Sander, Kajsa Dahlberg, Lasse Lau, Matthew Buckingham, Michelle Dizon, Nanna Debois Buhl, Pia Arke & Anders Jørgensen, Raed Yassin, Rania Rafei & Raed Rafei, Regina José Galindo, Robert Ochshorn, Sergio De La Torre, Sarah Vanagt & Katrien Vermeire, William E Jones.