VIP Internship at CHART 2024

Gain Experience & Grow Your Network

CHART 2024 is coming soon and we are looking for a wonderful person to join our VIP team. If you have the ability to work independently and are excited about planning events to connect collectors, galleries, arts professionals and institutions from across the Nordics, we want to hear from you!

A focus on logistics, audience interaction and venue preparations is key for our VIP intern. Attention to detail and a curiosity to find your own solutions are essential attributes. As part of an internship you will assist in all aspects of the VIP strategy, including event planning, communication, website and database management.

We are offering a comprehensive internship in a supportive, social and ceative environment. Here you will gain behind-the-scenes knowledge relating to the organisation of commercial art fairs and build new relationships throughout the art scene.

Internship Period

The internship will begin in Mid-April and continue until Mid-September to get the full experience of CHART, which takes place from 29 August – 01 September 2024.

The internship is unpaid.

We expect you as an intern to join us at the CHART office at Charlottenborg in Copenhagen twice per week. The internship will be full-time in the month of August.

For those in full-time education, we are flexible regarding exams and summer vacations.

The internship is in-person and it is not possible to complete it remotely.

Skills & Qualifications

• Proactive approach with a willingness to work independently
• Sociable personality and ability to work well in teams
• A flair for coordination and multi-tasking
• A desire to interact with a broad range of people, helping them to have the best possible VIP experience at CHART
• Fluent in English, with strong written and verbal communication skills
• Computer skills with a familiarity of Mac software and Google Suite (Gmail, Calendar, Documents etc.)

• Background in art history, communications, visual culture, creative business management, entrepreneurship, event planning, hospitality or a related field
• Experience updating and maintaining databases
• Familiarity with Microsoft Office with a particular emphasis on working with spreadsheets in Excel
• Experience using WordPress, Wix or other back-end CMS solutions
• Familiarity with Adobe Suite including Acrobat, Photoshop and InDesign
• Work experience in sales or hospitality
• Fluent in Danish or another Nordic language


To apply for an internship, please submit a CV and cover letter to

Application Deadline: Monday 01 April 2024 at 23:59

Successful applicants will be invited for interview to discuss areas of specific interest and appropriate tasks so that each internship can be tailored to be as beneficial as possible.

CHART is committed to creating a diverse environment and aims to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will be considered for internships regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or age.

Interviews will be held in week 15 (08 – 14 April).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Internships at CHART 2024

Join our Communications, Programming & VIP teams from Spring/Summer next year!

We are looking for wonderful people to help realise our exciting plans for the next edition of CHART – the leading event for contemporary art in the Nordic region.

If you have a background in art history, communications, visual culture, creative business management, entrepreneurship, event planning, hospitality or a related field, we want to hear from you!

CHART takes place during the last weekend of August but our small and dedicated team works year-round at our offices at Charlottenborg. Focusing on high quality artistic programming, we make sure that everything is in-place by summer to showcase the best of Nordic contemporary art, here in the heart of Copenhagen.

Our team is growing and we are looking for dedicated people, at the start of their career in the art world, to join our VIP, Communications & Programming teams. Find out more about each of the teams here.


To apply for an internship, please submit your CV and a cover letter to

We imagine you starting in February 2024 and staying onboard until mid-September to get the full experience of CHART, which takes place 29 August – 01 September 2024.

Please note which department you see yourself working in, since we are looking for multiple positions within the Communication, Programming and VIP teams.

The working language is both Danish and English.

Successful applicants will be invited for interview to discuss areas of specific interest and appropriate tasks so that each internship can be tailored to be as beneficial as possible.

For those in full-time education, internships can be planned as part of your spring semester, and we are flexible and respectful of your need to allocate time for exams.

CHART is committed to creating a diverse environment and aims to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will be considered for internships regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or age.

Write to us sooner rather than later as we hire on a regular basis.

The final application deadline is Friday 8 December 2023.

Interviews will be held in week 50 (11 – 15 December).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Messe // Photo Collect Copenhagen – en kurateret messe for dansk og internationalt kunstfotografi og kamerabaseret kunst


Fernisering 27. august 17-19

Igen i år afholdes Photo Collect Copenhagen i Museumsbygningen.
På dette års messe deltager følgende aktører: Fotografisk Center, Galleri Eros, Galleri Image, Space Poetry, KATALOG-Journal of photography & video, Pola Magnetyczne (PL), Kirkegaards Antikvariat og Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel.

Under Photo Collect Copenhagen tildeles hver deltager en eller flere af Museumsbygningens smukke ovenlyssale og skaber heri et eget univers. På denne måde skabes diversitet og publikum får mulighed for at opleve den mangfoldighed, der præger scenen for fotokunst.

I forbindelse med messen afholdes to talks lørdag den 29. august: kl. 14 v. kunsthistoriker Ingrid Fischer Jonge og kl. 15 v. gallerist Patrick Komorowski. Herudover dedikeres et rum til fremvisning af 100 fotobøger.

Entré: 50 kr.


Ny messe for dansk og internationalt kunstfotografi og kamerabaseret kunst

Photo Collect Copenhagen
– en kurateret messe for dansk og internationalt kunstfotografi og kamerabaseret kunst

Fotografiet stormer frem som samlerobjekt ikke mindst blandt unge kunstsamlere, derfor er otte udstillingssteder gået sammen om at skabe et nyt forum for den fotografiske kunst.

Fra 28.-31. august afholdes den første udgave af Photo Collect Copenhagen med deltagelse af følgende udstillingssteder fra Danmark og udlandet: Galleri Image, The Photographers Print, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Pola Magnetyczne, In the Gallery, Kirkegaards Antikvariat, Galleri Vasli Souza og Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel.

Messen finder sted i Museumsbygningen, der blev opført i 1915 af rigmand og kunstsamler Generalkonsul Johan Hansen og fungerede som privat udstillingssted for Hansens godt 2500 malerier. Siden har Statens Museum for Kunst og andre institutioner holdt udstillinger, talks og kunstevents på adressen. I dag drives Museumsbygningen af Banja Rathnov og fokus er hovedsageligt på fotografi.

Under Photo Collect Copenhagen tildeles hver deltager enWiktor Gutt, Syncretic Painting, 1972-2012 af Museumsbygningens smukke ovenlyssale og skaber heri et eget univers. På denne måde skabes diversitet på messen og publikum får mulighed for at opleve den mangfoldighed, der præger scenen for fotokunst.

Photo Collect Copenhagen, Museumsbygningen, Kastelsvej 18, 2100 København Ø
28.-31. august, alle dage 11-18, fernisering 27. august kl.16
Entré: 50 kr.

Photo Collect Copenhagen
– A Curated Fair for Fine Art Photography and Lens Based Art

Photographic art is more popular than ever – especially amongst young collectors. Therefore eight galleries have joined up to create a new forum for photography.

From the 28th-31st of August the first edition of Photo Collect Copenhagen will take place in Museumsbygningen at Østerbro.
Photo Collect Copenhagen is a curated fair for Danish and international fine art photography and lens based art with the following galleries participating: Galleri Image, The Photographers Print, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Pola Magnetyczne, In the Gallery, Galleri Vasli Souza, Kirkegaards Antikvariat and Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel.

Museumsbygningen was built in 1915 by the Consul General Johan Hansen for his private collection of art and has in the recent past been used by the National Gallery of Denmark and other institutions for different events. Today Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel is situated in the building and the primary focus is photography.

During Photo Collect Copenhagen the participating galleries creates a personal universe in one of the beautiful rooms in Museumsbygningen. This makes the fair varied and gives the audience an opportunity to experience the great diversity of photographic art.

Photo Collect Copenhagen, Museumsbygningen, Kastelsvej 18, 2100 Copenhagen
28th-31st of August, every day 11am-6pm, vernissage 27th of August at 4pm
Admission: 50 kr.