XMAS21 | The Big Annual Winter Show | 17th Edition | 03.12-22.01.2022

XMAS21 | THE BIG ANNUAL WINTER GROUP SHOW | 17TH EDITION | 03.12.2021 – 22.01.2022

We are very excited to invite you to the big annual group show XMAS21 – the 17th Edition. It is your chance to see the works by your favourite artists and discover new talents. Allow yourself to be drawn to various styles, techniques and materials. Different shapes and colours – we have them all! We are bringing prominent Danish artists together with international superstars, all in a merry and joyful spirit of celebrations. 

The big annual winter show at Galleri Christoffer Egelund is where the magic happens. We put together diverse pieces and allow imagination to be the only limit. With an open-minded approach, contemporary works such as paintings, sculptures, photography, drawings and reliefs perform well together and we wish for our audience to experience this artsy symbiosis. The jolly season it is all about sharing and we would like to continue to do so with art, atmosphere, joy and celebrations. 

This year we are proud to present 38 specially selected artists:

Alec Demarco (US); Aline Alegem (IL/DE); Anders Moseholm (DK); Armando Marino (CU); Austin Stern (US); Brian Harte (IE); Cesc Abad (SP); Christoffer Joergensen (DK/CH); Crystel Ceresa (CH); Eamon O’Kane (IE); Ekin Su Koç (DE/TR); Eva Louise Buus (DK); Gregers Heering (DK/US); Helen Robinson (US); Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen (DK); Henrik S. Simonsen (DK); Janina Myronova (UA); Jet-te L. Ranning (DK); Jiri Geller (FI); Joe Davidson (US); John Norris (US); Jonas Pihl (DK); Julie Von Lotzbeck (DK); Kathy Sirico (US); Krista Rosenkilde (DK); Mads Rafte Hein (DK); Marco Evaristti (CL/DK); Mazja Hillestrøm (DK); Melanie Daniel (CA); Michael Á Grømma (DK); Niels Corfitzen (DK); Olaf Hajek (DE); Per Adolfsen (DK); Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir (IS); Søren Hagen (DK); Thierry Feuz (AU/CH); Tilde Grynnerup (DK); Willi Tomes (DE)

The opening take place Friday, 3rd of December from 16 to 19. Many of the artists will be present during the reception and we will serve our famous gallery Christmas Gløgg. The exhibition runs until January 22nd 2022. We kindly remind you to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday 15-18, Saturday 12-16. For further information and sales request, please contact the gallery at: hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92. Bredgade 75, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark. 

We wish you a Merry Christmas.



Det er med stor glæde, at vi inviterer til den store årlige vinter gruppeudstilling XMAS21 – den 17. udgave. Du har mulighed for at se værkerne af dine yndlingskunstnere samt opdage nye talenter. Tillad dig selv at blive draget af de forskellige stilarter, teknikker, materialer, forskellige former og farver. Gruppeudstillingen er med fremtrædende danske kunstnere og internationale superstjerner som samlet giver et godt indtryk af samtidskunst scenen netop nu.

Den store årlige vinterudstilling i Galleri Christoffer Egelund er fyldt med kunstmagi. Vi har sammensat en udstilling med stor diversitet og hvor fantasien er grænseløs.

Med en åben tilgang til kunsten opstår en unik kunstnerisk symbiose i samspil mellem malerier, skulpturer, fotografi, tegninger og relieffer. Årstiden handler om at dele de gode oplevelser, og udstillingen er starten på en festlig årstid med kunst.

I år er vi stolte over at kunne præsentere 38 særligt udvalgte kunstnere:

Alec Demarco (US); Aline Alegem (IL/DE); Anders Moseholm (DK); Armando Marino (CU); Austin Stern (US); Brian Harte (IE); Cesc Abad (SP); Christoffer Joergensen (DK/CH); Crystel Ceresa (CH); Eamon O’Kane (IE); Ekin Su Koç (DE/TR); Eva Louise Buus (DK); Gregers Heering (DK/US); Helen Robinson (US); Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen (DK); Henrik S. Simonsen (DK); Janina Myronova (UA); Jet-te L. Ranning (DK); Jiri Geller (FI); Joe Davidson (US); John Norris (US); Jonas Pihl (DK); Julie Von Lotzbeck (DK); Kathy Sirico (US); Krista Rosenkilde (DK); Mads Rafte Hein (DK); Marco Evaristti (CL/DK); Mazja Hillestrøm (DK); Melanie Daniel (CA); Michael Á Grømma (DK); Niels Corfitzen (DK); Olaf Hajek (DE); Per Adolfsen (DK); Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir (IS); Søren Hagen (DK); Thierry Feuz (AU/CH); Tilde Grynnerup (DK); Willi Tomes (DE)

Udstillingen åbner fredag den 3. december kl 16-19.  Mange af kunstnerne vil være til stede under ferniseringen, hvor der traditionen tro serveres vores gode kendte julegløgg. Udstillingen slutter den 22. januar 2022. Vi minder venligst om at alle holder en sikker afstand til andre gæster.

Åbningstider: onsdag-fredag 15-18, lørdag 12.00-16.00 eller efter aftale. For yderligere information om værkerne bedes man henvende sig til galleriet på hello@nullchristofferegelund.dk eller telefon +45 33939200. Bredgade 75, 1260 København K. Klik ind på www.christofferegelund.dk for flere detaljer.

Vi ønsker Jer en rigtig Glædelig Jul!

Forfatter: Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Gallery Christoffer Egelund is a cutting-edge art gallery focusing on high quality Scandinavian and international contemporary art. An experimental and innovative approach is an important agenda, to constantly challenge the boundaries of the gallery and the art scene itself. The gallery exhibits artworks with a large variety of media e.g. works on paper, photos, paintings, sculptures, performance and video - a unique artistic expression is of most importance. The presented artists have received great recognition from curators, collectors, museums and critics and have been displayed in important collections, Biennials, Art fairs, Art Museums and galleries around the world. The main target for the gallery is to create memorable exhibitions and to further the careers of emerging contemporary artists by curating exhibitions, participating in art fairs and biennales worldwide. Gallery Christoffer Egelund was established in 2005 by the owner and director Christoffer M. Egelund and is located in the historical old part of Copenhagen with 300m2 exhibition space and high ceiling. The area has many contemporary galleries, The National Gallery of Denmark, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Art institutes and The Danish Art Council makes this area one of the most important contemporary art scenes in Denmark. The gallery is a member of Danish Art Dealers Association (DGS) since 2006.

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