Fernisering: Surfing – Al Masson

På fredag åbner Al Massons store soloudstilling Surfing i Museumsbygningen.
Ved ferniseringen, som finder sted fra kl.17-19, vil der være performance v. Al Masson og kongelig balletdanserinde Astrid Grarup Elbo kl.17.50.

Læs mere om udstillingen her.


HANS AND FRITZ CONTEMPORARY søger nye praktikant til vores galleri i Barcelona

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Are you a strong visual and written communicator? Are you a responsible and structured person? And are you also the friendly type who can talk to everyone? Then you might be Hans & Fritz Contemporary’s new intern for our gallery in Barcelona.

We are looking for a positive person who can help lift the gallery’s daily tasks.

You will join a small team of employees in an exciting and dynamic workplace.

You will have contact to a broad network of artists and customers, as well as insights and practical experience in running a gallery.

Working languages are mainly English, Danish and Spanish. Danish and Spanish an advantage but not a prerequisite

Your job:

  • Contact with artists, clients & guests
  • Social media, Press releases and sponsors
  • Documentation and registration
  • Maintain our databases
  • Applications for exhibitions and fairs
  • Research and other office work

We expect you to be:

  • Interested in art and culture
  • Independent, self-motivated and serviceminded
  • Structured and responsible
  • Flexible (both in terms of working hours and tasks)
  • Targeted and loyal

We imagine that you are a student and possibly studying Art History or equivalent.

The internship period: 3-6 months. Programme and period can be agreed upon prior application. The internship is unpaid.

Send a short motivation letter in English and CV to:

Marc Trensig on: info@nullhans-fritz.com

We look forward to hearing from you.

More info: http://www.hans-fritz.com/

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Er du en stærk visuel og skriftlig kommunikatør? Er du ansvarsfuld og struktureret? Og er du samtidig den imødekommende type, der kan tale med alle? Så er du måske Hans & Fritz Contemporary’s nye praktikant til vores galleri i Barcelona.

Vi søger en positiv person, som kan hjælpe med at løfte galleriets daglige opgaver.

Du vil indgå i et lille team af medarbejdere på en spændende og dynamisk arbejdsplads.

Du vil få en bred berøringsflade med kunstnere og kunder, samt indblik i og praktisk erfaring med at drive et galleri.

Arbejdssprog er dansk og engelsk, spansk en fordel men ikke en forudsætning

Dine arbejdsområder:

  • Kontakt til kunstnere, kunder & gæster
  • Opdatere vores Facebook og Instagram
  • Dokumentation og registrering
  • Research til opdatering af kunstnerbiografier og salgsmateriale
  • Vedligeholde vores databaser
  • Ansøgninger til udstillinger og messer
  • Andet forefaldende kontorarbejde og bilagshåndtering

Vi forventer, at du er:

  • Interesseret i kunst og kultur
  • Selvstændig, selvmotiveret og initiativrig
  • Serviceminded
  • Struktureret og pligtopfyldende
  • Fleksibel (både med hensyn til arbejdstider og opgaver)
  • Målrettet og loyal

Vi forestiller os, at du er studerende og evt. læser Kunsthistorie eller tilsvarende.

Praktikperioden: 3-6 mdr. Forløb og periode kan aftales efter ansøgning. Praktikken er ulønnet.

Kort motiveret ansøgning på engelsk samt CV sendes til:

Marc Trensig på: info@nullhans-fritz.com

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig.

Mere info: http://www.hans-fritz.com/

Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival.

Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival. 60Seconds short film festival invite participants to create an original film based on the theme “Embrace your fears”. Artists must think in unconventional ways and submit an original work that is theme related, exactly 1 minute in length and without sound.

Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival.

60Seconds short film festival invite participants to create an original film based on the theme “Embrace your fears”. Read here for more information on how to apply to: 60sec.org

Artists must think in unconventional ways and submit an original work that is theme related, exactly 1 minute in length and without sound.

Do take into account that the selected films will be shown in public spaces where art isn’t necessarily a priority for the audience, so your film has to both seduce them and make them think!

Send us your video proposal for this year’s theme before 1st February 2017.

60Seconds is a film festival in the urban space of Copenhagen, celebrating 10 years of short films in the city in 2017. 
A Copenhagen-based short film festival since 2006, projecting one minute films in the city, and transforming the streets into cinemas. The films entering the competition must be no longer than 60 seconds and devoid of sound.






