Open Call for 60Seconds festival 2018 on “HOME IS”

Open call for video entrances to 60Seconds Festival

MAKE A: #1 minute short, #no sound, #an original film, #no credits, #4×3 aspect ratio, mpg4 film, #about: HOME IS…

Some helping key words for your entrance:

Habitat, belong to, identity, refugee, refuge, nomad, homesick, the right to a home, migration, homeless, retreat, the making of a home,

Home provides shelter, security and the shield from where we can look at the world. Homes are an integral part of complex social structures, adapting and taking form after cultural and geographical environments.

Everyday millions from around the world are forced to flee their homes. While some search for a new safe haven holding on to the fight of building new lives elsewhere, others accept their new situation becoming a paradox of the worlds metropolis. We are delighted to invite artists and film-makers to participate in 60Seconds open call and encourage them to capture the essence of this theme in a video proposal of one minute shorts without sound.

The ten best videos selected by the jury will be presented at the festival from 19-25th. February 2018.

Deadline for participation: 1st February 2018


Kom til eventet og se hvilen Koreanske film vises i metro i Seul, og hvordan andre organisationer viser ultrakorfilm i offentlige steder. Med mulighed for at mode Kwangsoo Son screenwriter og programansvarligt for SESIFF (Seoul international Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival) og SMIFF (Seoul Metro International subway Film Festival).

We are delighted to invite you to a 60Seconds Festival event, a screening and presentation with the participation of Kwangsoo SON, curator at SESIFF & SMIFF Korea


Friday, February 10 at 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM, at Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, 1123 København

At this event we will be airing ultrashorts from Seoul Metro International Subway Film Festival, and The One Minutes Foundation
Kwangsoo SON, curator at SESIFF & SMIFF Korea, will participate with an introduction of the series and his festival at the event.
After the screening will be happy to hold Q&A with the audience.
Kwangsoo SON has written various scripts including several horror screenplays like “Bloody Beach”(1999) and “Cinderella”(2007). He is a programmer at Seoul International Extreme-Short Image & Film festival and Seoul Metro international subway film festival. He taught theory of multimedia at Korea National University of Arts (2012). He wrote and directed “Live TV (2014)”. “Live Tv” was screened at Busan International Film Festival as Midnight Passion. His latest screenplay is “The Proxy Soldiers”, 20th Century Fox International have wrapped up production and the film will premiere in Korea, June 2017.
SESIFF (Seoul international Extreme-Short Image &Film Festival) launched in 2009 as the first festival for extreme-short films in Asia, celebrates its 9th edition this year.
SMIFF(Seoul Metro International subway Film Festival) launched in 2000, cerebrates its 8th edition this year.
Their aim is to seek diverse possibilities through innovative visual culture and to offer opportunities to better enjoy it. Anyone willing to experience a new kind of visual culture is heartily welcomed at SESIFF & SMIFF, a young film festival that intends to communicate with the audience through innovative imaginations.
The One Minutes is a global network devoted to moving image. Since 1998, The One Minutes has produced and distributed more than 17,000 video works by artists from more than 120 countries.
Every month, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60-second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image. Museums and cultural organisations around the world subscribe to the series.
Arrangementet er gratis for alle deltagere i dette års festival,
Indgang for studerende (20.-dk.) Andre (40.-dk.)
Made possible with the generous support from: Det Danske Filminstitut, Danske Filminstruktører, Københavns Kommune Kulturfond., Statens Kunstfond.















Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival.

Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival. 60Seconds short film festival invite participants to create an original film based on the theme “Embrace your fears”. Artists must think in unconventional ways and submit an original work that is theme related, exactly 1 minute in length and without sound.

Open call for the 10th edition of 60Seconds Festival.

60Seconds short film festival invite participants to create an original film based on the theme “Embrace your fears”. Read here for more information on how to apply to:

Artists must think in unconventional ways and submit an original work that is theme related, exactly 1 minute in length and without sound.

Do take into account that the selected films will be shown in public spaces where art isn’t necessarily a priority for the audience, so your film has to both seduce them and make them think!

Send us your video proposal for this year’s theme before 1st February 2017.

60Seconds is a film festival in the urban space of Copenhagen, celebrating 10 years of short films in the city in 2017. 
A Copenhagen-based short film festival since 2006, projecting one minute films in the city, and transforming the streets into cinemas. The films entering the competition must be no longer than 60 seconds and devoid of sound.








OPEN CALL for 60Seconds Shortfilm Festival 2016

opencall-greenThe OPEN CALL for 60Seconds Festival 2016 has started!

Everyone regardless of experience or country can apply, so share this with your artistic, international friends and give them a chance to have their short film shown in urban Copenhagen and compete for the 1st prize (15.000DKK) or the audience award (8.000DKK).

The theme for 2016 is “Out of Focus”, we accept all genres and as always the only rules are as follows:

– Your film must be exactly 60 seconds long
– Your film must be without sound
– Your film must interpret the theme (“Out of Focus”) visually or tematically

Go to to apply. Happy filming! :)

OPEN CALL for 60Seconds, Short Film Festival i COPENHAGEN !

I a?r vil festival fokusere om at komme tættere pa? fortælling, og a?rets tema er en reference pa? at fokus er at bringe historien helt i front, ved brug at et teknisk virkemidlet, en klassisk optik, det nær billedet, det ba?de er effektfuld og stærk symbolsk!
Festivalen 60Seconds, bringer den ultrakorte film fortælling med dens format af 1 minut uden lyd, ud i det offentlige rum for at skabe en dialog med beskueren, og give kunstnere muligheden for at vise film der hvor københavnere og andre besøger travl bævere sig til dagligt.
Der er ogsa? festivalens ma?l at finde nye talenter og give dem mulighed til at lave begrænsning til udfordringer.
Det ultrakorte filmformat tilpasser sig ogsa? i høj grad byens travlhed og dens pulserende takt, med den korte fortælling og dens innovativ billedsprog, som er et vigtigt element til 60seconds konceptet. Alle videofilm er underlagt den regel at de ikke ma? være længere end 60 sekunder, og at de skal være uden lyd, sa? kunstnerne ma? tænke i nye paragrafer na?r de skal skabe deres værk.



To participate in 60Seconds Festival 2015, you have to present an original film of exactly 60 Seconds (no credits or title), without sound, and made with Close-Up!-

Zoom in, tell your history in macro and blow-up your shortfilm in Copenhagen.!

Deadline: March 1st. 2015

Copenhagen has been an alternative filmsite for 60Seconds Festival since 2006, projecting selected short films in urban spaces an converting the city in street cinemas.

-Fill the entrance form ( link to download here: (PDF), (DOC)) and send it to: enter(ad)
-The festival will then send you a mail with a link to upload your film,
-The jury will select the 10 best films to be shown in public spaces in Copenhagen, from March 23 to 29. and will compete for the Jury Award (15.000.dkr.) and the Audience Awards (8.000 dkr.)