Student Assistant | Administrative Work in the Music Production Team

Are you passionate about working with administrative tasks within music production? Upright Music is looking for a structured and dedicated Student Assistant with music knowledge to join our music production team in our office in Copenhagen.

Upright Music is the Nordic’s leading independent music company specialized in providing music for TV, advertising, and film productions. We are based in Copenhagen and have an office in Warsaw as well.

The music production team is the part of the company that creates content for our own labels and work in collaboration with both established and upcoming composers to produce, release, and distribute music of the highest quality.

About the job
The main tasks will be to assist in preparing data for new albums for release and distribution as well as upload and register data with various performing rights societies and sub-publishers. The job requires an interest in and the ability to work thoroughly with detailed administrative tasks; communicate well both internally and externally; as well as categorize and describe music. Additional tasks will be to assist with various ad hoc office tasks on behalf of Upright Music.

Deadline for applications: Friday, October 1st, 2021, at 12.00 pm

Read the full job post and apply here:

Student Assistant | Music Repertoire Import & Tagging

Are you passionate about working with music repertoire and categorization? Upright Music is looking for a structured and dedicated Student Assistant with music knowledge for our office in Copenhagen.

Upright Music is the Nordic’s leading independent music company specialized in providing music for TV, advertising, and film productions. We are based in Copenhagen and have an office in Warsaw as well.

About the job
The main task will be to assist our Copyright Manager with importing new repertoire to our database. As a part of this, the job will include keyword tagging and cataloguing the repertoire in detail in order to optimize the searchability of the music in our system and on our Music Search Site. Depending on the musical knowledge and competencies, the job might include assisting the Music Supervision Team on a day-to-day basis as well. Furthermore, the job involves numerous administrative tasks e.g., creating music reports as well as other ad hoc office tasks.

Deadline for applications: Friday, October 1st, 2021, at 12.00 pm

Read the full job post and apply here:

Struktureret og musikkyndig studentermedhjælp søges til Upright Music ApS

Struktureret og musikkyndig studentermedhjælp søges til Upright Music ApS

Upright Music søger en struktureret, målrettet og musikkyndig studentermedhjælp til vores kontor i København. Upright Music er et etableret musikselskab, som leverer musik til tv, reklamefilm, film mv. i Norden, Baltikum og Polen. Vi har hovedkontor i København og afdelinger i Oslo og Warszawa, og ønsker nu at forstærke vores team med en medarbejder, der kan assistere vores kolleger og kunder.

Vi søger en dedikeret og entusiastisk person, som kan bevare overblikket over mange forskelligartede opgaver, og samtidig rykke når der er travlt med mange opgaver og korte deadlines. De primære opgaver bliver at optimere musikkens søgbarhed på vores online-søgesystem ved hjælp af detaljeret keywordtagging og katalogisering af vores repertoire. Herudover vil der være music research-opgaver i samarbejde med vores music supervision-team samt assistance af vores salgsteam med forhåndenværende opgaver.

Der er mulighed for fastansættelse efter endt studie.

Primære arbejdsopgaver

  • Keywordtagging og katalogisering af repertoire
  • Importering af nyt repertoire
  • Music research i samarbejde med music supervision-teamet
  • Diverse opgaver i forbindelse med promovering af Upright Music’s repertoire i samarbejde med salgsteamet


  • Relevant studieretning (fx musikvidenskab eller tilsvarende)
  • Omfattende musikkendskab
  • Selvstændig, struktureret og serviceminded
  • Engelsk på højt niveau både i tale og på skrift samt forståelse af de nordiske sprog
  • Microsoft Office-superbruger (Excel, Word, Outlook)
  • Pålidelig, pligtopfyldende og loyal
  • Erfaring fra tv-, medie-, film- og/eller musikbranchen er en fordel

Vi tilbyder

  • Et kreativt og udadvendt job på en spændende og innovativ arbejdsplads med dygtige kollegaer

Arbejdstid:                           10-20 timer om ugen eller efter nærmere aftale

Løn:                                     Efter kvalifikation/aftale

Tiltrædelse:                         01.03.2014 – eller efter aftale (jobsamtaler forventes afholdt i uge 8)


Ansøgningsfrist:                  Onsdag d. 05.02.2014 kl. 12.00


Ansøgning sendes til og bedes mærket “Ansøgning | Studentermedhjælp” i emne-feltet. Eventuelle spørgsmål kan rettes til Maria Therese Seefeldt Stæhr | | Tel. +45 33 55 05 28.

Med venlig hilsen

Jeppe Kaltoft
Founder | CEO | Executive Music Supervisor

Interesting job opening at Upright Music: Client Relations Manager & Music Researcher wanted!

Client Relations Manager & Music Researcher for Upright Music ApS

Upright Music is looking for a super skilled, result oriented and dedicated Client Relations Manager & Music Researcher for our office in Copenhagen. Upright Music is the Nordic’s leading independent music company specialized in providing music for TV-, commercial- and film productions. We are based in Copenhagen with offices in Oslo and Warsaw.

We are now looking for a colleague, who can contribute to the development of Upright Music’s strong position in the market. The main tasks are to establish and develop client relations, negotiate agreements with existing and new clients and to be a part of our music research team doing researches for our clients.

We are looking for a structured, independent and responsible person, who is highly motivated when working in an international, competitive environment. Someone who has a strong focus on creating good results with continuous increase of sales, while at the same time being very service minded and attentive to our clients dynamic queries. The person we are looking for has an extensive knowledge about music and is both impassioned and dedicated to service our clients as the tasks are numerous and deadlines constantly upcoming.

We are looking for a committed person for a period of minimum 2 years. The job will primarily take place from our office at Vesterbro in Copenhagen with potential travelling.

Primary tasks:

  • Client relations management (initiate, establish, do follow ups and develop client relations)
  • Client pitches, preparation of presentations, participation and conducting client meetings
  • Sales research, segmentation of the market and promotion of the Upright Music repertoire
  • Ongoing focus on the increase of sales and closing deals
  • Music research for clients
  • Categorization and tagging of music repertoire
  • Various administrative tasks related to sales, promotion and music research


  • Applicable education (creative business, communications, sales & marketing, media or musicology)
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Extremely reliable, dedicated and loyal
  • Structured, independent, solution oriented, service minded and responsible
  • Fluent in English (verbal and in writing)
  • Fluent in either Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian and/or Lithuanian
  • Extensive music knowledge
  • Microsoft Office super user (Excel / Word / Outlook)
  • Experience from TV, media, film and/or music business is of advantage

We offer:

  • A job with career opportunities in a dynamic and exciting, international company with skilled and good colleagues

Working hours: Approx. 25 – 37 hours per week
Salary: Salary according to qualifications
Start Date: 01.04.2013 – or by appointment (job interviews will take place from week 12)

Deadline for applications:          Monday 4th of March 2013 at 12.00

Please send your application in English to and mark it “Application | Client Relations Manager & Music Researcher” in the subject line. Questions may be directed to Bente Egelund Jørgensen | | Tel: +45 33 55 05 23


Jeppe Kaltoft | CEO & Founder