Michael Johansson / Lines and Layers / 20.09.-19.10.2013

Michael Johansson, Courtesy Galleri Christoffer Egelund
Michael Johansson, Courtesy Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly presents the exhibition Lines and Layers by the Swedish artist Michael Johansson. Lines and layers unfold in the artist’s strict, yet witty, compositions of everyday objects.

The exhibition is primarily made out of new pieces that can be divided into two series; every piece constructed from objects found at one of the artist’s many visits at flea markets. Foldable Ladder Assembly Kit – II is one example from the series of 1:1 construction kits. A ladder has been taken apart and the parts put together in a metal frame with strings attached. To strengthen the association with construction kits the pieces has been painted entirely orange. The function of the ladder has been removed to transform the object into art. The same can be said of the other type of artworks presented at the exhibit. Here multiple objects have been stacked together as real life Tetris cubes. Boxes are stacked as a sandwich with an intermediate layer of smaller boxes and containers put together in strict order and thereby impede the originally intended function.

What unites the two different types of pieces is the fact that gathering, collecting and assembling is essential to human beings. We have moved from the hunter-gatherer society to a gatherer-assembler society. We gather stuff around us and assemble ourselves, as is shown in condensed form at the exhibition. When the artist is out gathering objects at the flea markets, he follows a very stringent system, namely one where he finds one seemingly unique object and then continues his search until he finds another one just like it. This underlines the issue of authenticity in the age of mass production. However, all hope is not lost in Johansson’s art, because even if the objects are the same, the marks left by their users are unique. This in turn leads to thoughts of a similar issue, namely the fact that a large part of a person’s identity is defined by consumption. That is, you assemble your identity with self-assembly furniture from IKEA.

Johansson’s work continues the tradition of the readymade; the exhibition of mass produced, everyday objects as art, started by the famous urinal (Fountain, 1917) of the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp. But instead of just exhibiting the ladder or the boxes as they are found he uses the readymades at materials as a painter uses paint and canvas.

The Swedish artist achieves to create order in the mess of things surrounding us. Harmony and balance emerges when he makes use of traditional artistic effects such as straight lines, repetition and colour balancing. The artworks are delights for the eye. But it is the symbolic value and storytelling that is at the forefront. Michael Johansson uses the mass produced objects to create unique artworks with several layers of meaning to help us reflect on our everyday surroundings.

Michael Johansson graduated from Trondheim Art Academy in 2003 with studies at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Wei?ensee (2002) og Royal College of Art, Stockholm (2003) and took his master degree at Malmö Art Academy (2003-2005). Since he graduated he has exhibited extensively both in and outside of Sweden including at Malmö Konstmuseum (SE), Galerie Filomena Soares (PT), Moscow Museum of Modern Art (RU), Meessen de Clercq (BE), Vigeland-museet (NO) og Nikolaj Kunsthal (DK). Furthermore, he is represented in several collections among these Malmö Konstmuseum (SE) and has received various grants including Norwegian Government’s 3-year working grant and IASPIS artists in residence in Tokyo.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund cordially invites you to the opening of Michael Johansson: Lines and Layers on Friday the 20th of September from 5-8 pm. The artist will be present during the opening reception. The exhibition will run until October the 19th 2013. Opening hours: Monday-Friday 11-18, Saturdays 12-16. For further information and press photographs please contact the gallery at: info@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92 00.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund er stolt af at kunne præsentere udstillingen Lines and Layers af den svenske kunstner Michael Johansson (f. 1975). Linjer og lag opstår i kunstnerens stringente og finurlige sammensætning af  hjemlige genstande.

Udstillingen består primært af en række nye værker, der deler sig i to forskellige serier; alle konstruerede af hverdagsgenstande fundet på et af kunstnerens utallige besøg på loppemarked.  Foldable Ladder Assembly Kit – II er et eksempel på et værk fra serien af 1:1 modelbyggesæt. Michael Johansson har skilt en stige ad for at sætte delene sammen i en metalramme med strenge i mellem, der efterfølgende er malet orange. Værket er ensfarvet for at styrke associationen til modelbyggesæt. Funktionen er frarøvet stigen, der i stedet er forvandlet til kunst. Det samme gælder den anden serie, hvor genstande er stablet sammen i snorlige kuber. Kasser, stablet som en sandwich, med et mellemlag af mindre æsker og beholdere i streng orden, der besværliggør deres oprindelige funktion.

Hvad der samler de to værktyper, er netop dét at samle, noget der er helt essentiel for mennesket: fra jæger-samler samfund til IKEA-samle samfund. Vi samler ting omkring os i vores hjem, som det vises i kondenseret form hos Michael Johansson. Ligesom hans værker fremtræder som stringente systemer har kunstneren også et system for hans indsamling af loppefund. Han tager ud og finder én tilsyneladende unik genstand, hvorefter han søger videre og finder en anden præcis magen til. Dette understreger problematikken omkring autenticitet i masseproduktionens tidsalder. Men alt håb er ikke tabt i Johanssons kunst, for selvom genstandene er ens, bærer de unikke brugsspor og fortæller en historie om det liv, der er blevet levet omkring dem. Og ligesom mennesket sætter spor i genstandene påvirker genstandene mennesket. I et forbrugssamfund som vores er de ting, vi samler omkring os en stor del af vores identitet. Så er det op til den enkelte at tage stilling til, hvorvidt vores bunker af ting er frigørende eller faretruende.

Johanssons arbejde lægger sig i traditionen for brug af hverdagsobjekter som kunst, ”readymaden”, der blev skudt i gang, dadaisten Marcel Duchamps famøse pissoir (Fontæne) fra 1917. Men frem for blot at udstille stigen eller kassen som de er, bruger Michael Johansson ”readymades” som materiale, som en maler ville bruge maling og lærred.

Den svenske kunstner formår at skabe orden i virvaret af ting omkring os. Harmoni og balance opstår, når han benytter sig af traditionelle billedkunstneriske virkemidler som vandrette og lodrette linjer, repetition og farveafstemning. Værkerne fremtræder smukt for øjet. Men det er først og fremmest historiefortælling og symbolværdien, der har betydning. Michael Johansson anvender det masseproducerede til at skabe unikke værker med mange (betydnings)lag, der kan hjælpe os til en refleksion over vores hverdagslige omgivelser.

Michael Johansson er uddannet ved Kunstakademiet i Trondheim (2000-2003) samt Kunsthochschule Berlin-Wei?ensee (2002) og Royal College of Art, Stockholm (2003) og tog han sin kandidat på Malmö Art Academy (2003-2005). Siden sin afgang på Malmö Art Academy har han udstillet hyppigt både inden og uden for Sverige. Af væsentlige udstillingssteder kan nævnes Malmö Konstmuseum (SE), Galerie Filomena Soares (PT), Moscow Museum of Modern Art (RU), Meessen de Clercq (BE), Vigeland-museet (NO) og Nikolaj Kunsthal (DK). Han er desuden repræsenteret i flere kunstsamlinger blandt andet på Malmö Konstmuseum (SE) og har modtaget flere priser og stipendier herunder Norges 3-årige arbejdsstipendium (2010) samt IASPIS artists in residence i Tokyo.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer dig med ledsager til åbning af udstillingen Michael Johansson: Lines and Layers fredag den 20. september, 2013. Udstillingen løber indtil den lørdag den 19. oktober, 2013. Åbningstider: mandag-fredag kl. 11-18, lørdag kl. 12-16. For yderligere information og pressefotografier kontakt venligst galleriet på: info@nullchristofferegelund.dk eller på +45 33 93 92 00.

Forfatter: Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Gallery Christoffer Egelund is a cutting-edge art gallery focusing on high quality Scandinavian and international contemporary art. An experimental and innovative approach is an important agenda, to constantly challenge the boundaries of the gallery and the art scene itself. The gallery exhibits artworks with a large variety of media e.g. works on paper, photos, paintings, sculptures, performance and video - a unique artistic expression is of most importance. The presented artists have received great recognition from curators, collectors, museums and critics and have been displayed in important collections, Biennials, Art fairs, Art Museums and galleries around the world. The main target for the gallery is to create memorable exhibitions and to further the careers of emerging contemporary artists by curating exhibitions, participating in art fairs and biennales worldwide. Gallery Christoffer Egelund was established in 2005 by the owner and director Christoffer M. Egelund and is located in the historical old part of Copenhagen with 300m2 exhibition space and high ceiling. The area has many contemporary galleries, The National Gallery of Denmark, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Art institutes and The Danish Art Council makes this area one of the most important contemporary art scenes in Denmark. The gallery is a member of Danish Art Dealers Association (DGS) since 2006.

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