Gratis seminar: A Laboratory in the Museum?

Torsdag den 30. maj kl. 15:00. Museologi og videnskab.
Kom til gratis seminar i Medicinsk Museions tidligere anatomiske teater.

Post Doc Morgan Meyer forestår seminaret A laboratory in the museum? Displaying science in the making in exhibitions.

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Seminar abstract:

Over the past few years there has been an interesting and intriguing development in several European museums: the idea to put research laboratories inside the museum and allow visitors a chance to encounter research in the making. In this paper, I will discuss three examples of such laboratories-in-the-museum: the open research laboratory in nanotechnology at the Deutsches Museum (Munich), an exhibition about “hot” and controversial topics in Vienna, and the current exhibition on biohacking at the Medical Museion (Copenhagen). In this paper I will be concerned with the changes that the laboratory undergoes when it is “spatially challenged” by being put into a museum. Through its move into an exhibition space we see a transformation of its social and material architecture; an extension of its object-world; and a change in, and multiplication of, the characteristics of science and technology.

I will suggest that the laboratory-in-the-museum does not only represent, display and explain a particular kind of space – the laboratory – but it is also designed to create space for dialogue and discussion about the laboratory and about science. Also, in contrast to traditional displays, these kinds of exhibitions operate two kinds of shifts: from a display that answers to a display that questions; and from an exhibition that represents existing matters to an exhibition that performs, creates, and experiments with new ones. The laboratory-in-the-museum thus potentially redraws the lines between essentially private and public space, between scientific research and science communication and between experiment and experience.

Morgan Meyer er fra Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, Mines ParisTech.
Seminaret afholdes på engelsk.