SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, August – December 2022. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday 18th April 2022.

SUPERFLEX is an artist group – and studio – working with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 15 studio members of various backgrounds, and the work environment is sociable, casual and high-paste. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The Operations/Projects department usually holds two interns. 

In the Operations/Projects department, work tasks and skills include:

  • Coordinating exhibitions and projects, incl. communication with partners and managing project timelines 
  • Researching background material for projects
  • Text production for projects and applications in Danish 
  • Planning and handling social media platforms
  • Assisting with budgets, time registration and in-house tasks
  • Event planning and execution 
  • Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively, as well as organised and good at maintaining an overview of tasks when things are busy. Core to the position is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month.

All applications must include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix: Also, remember to specify in the application letter whether the internship is a part of your education program, and/or if you will be receiving SU during the internship. 

We look forward to hearing from you!


SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, January – June 2022. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday 15th October 2021.

SUPERFLEX is an artist group – and studio – which works with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 15 studio members of various backgrounds, and the work environment is sociable, casual and high-paste. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The Operations/Coordination department usually holds two interns. 

In the Operations/Coordination department, work tasks and skills include:

  • Coordinating exhibitions and projects
  • Planning and managing production/exhibition timelines 
  • Event planning and execution
  • Communicating with national and international partners
  • Researching background material for projects
  • Text production in Danish 
  • Handling social media platforms
  • Assisting with daily finance tasks
  • Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively, as well as organised and good at maintaining an overview of tasks when things are busy. Core to the position is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month.

All applications should include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix: Please specify in the application letter whether the internship is a part of your education program, and/or if you will be receiving SU during the internship. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Internship at SUPERFLEX

SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, August 9th – December 21st 2021. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday 16th April.

As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX works with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The studio is organised into two larger departments – Operations/Coordination and Design/Production and each department can hold two interns.

In Operations/Coordination Department, work tasks include:
– Coordinating exhibitions and projects
– Communicating with national and international partners
– Researching background material for projects
– Assisting with daily financial and administration tasks
– Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements
– Managing the building operations

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively. Core to all positions is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 10 studio members of various backgrounds.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month. 

IMPORTANT: Remember to state clearly in your application whether you are a student and if you will be receiving SU (or something equivalent) during the internship period.

All applications should include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix:

We look forward to hearing from you!


SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, January – June 2021. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday 23rd October 2020.

SUPERFLEX is an artist group – and studio – which works with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 12 studio members of various backgrounds, and the work environment is sociable, casual and high-paste. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The Operatons/Coordination department will hold two interns. 

In the Operations/Coordination department, work tasks and skills include:

  • Coordinating exhibitions and projects
  • Planning and managing production/exhibition timelines 
  • Making and overseeing project budgets 
  • Communicating with national and international partners
  • Researching background material for projects
  • Text production in Danish and/or English as well as proofreading
  • Handling social media platforms
  • Assisting with daily finance tasks
  • Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements

As the studio is currently embarking on a goal of becoming CO2 neutral, it is a big bonus if you have experience with sustainability in praxis.

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively. The person should also be organised and good at maintaining an overview of tasks when things are busy. Core to all positions is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month.

All applications should include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Internship at SUPERFLEX fall 2020

Open call for Intern Applications

SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, August – December 2020. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday 20th of  April.

As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX works with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The studio is organised into two larger departments – Operations/Coordination and Design/Production and each department can hold two interns. 

In Operations/Coordination Department, work tasks include:

  • Coordinating exhibitions and projects
  • Communicating with national and international partners
  • Researching background material for projects
  • Assisting with daily finance tasks
  • Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements
  • Assisting with studio operations

In Communication Department, work tasks include:

  • Text production, proofreading in both English and Danish, as well as  translating from English to Danish. 
  • Handling social media platforms and all its related tasks.

In Design/Production Department, work tasks and skills include:

  • Producing technical renderings and drawings
  • Developing concepts and researching projects
  • Producing project pdf-presentations
  • Realising experiments in 2D/3D
  • Assisting with studio operations
  • Good knowledge of the Adobe Package (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign) and Rhinoceros will be highly valued.

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively. Core to all positions is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 12 studio members of various backgrounds.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month.

All applications should include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix:

We look forward to hearing from you!
More information on SUPERFLEX at:

+1 samtalesalon: Modellen

+1 er glade for at kunne invitere til en aften med samtaler om kunst. I anledning af årets sidste artist talk fra +1, udvider vi vores regulære format og skifter lokation, denne gang til Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling, som i denne anledning igen er blevet åbnet for offentligheden. Til denne aften vil unge kunstnere forholde sig til aftens tema, udefra deres egen praksis i dialog med en selvvalgt gæst.


TID: Torsdag 28. november, kl. 18:00
STED: Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling, Toldbodgade 40


18:45 PAUSE
19:30 PAUSE


Om temaet: MODELLEN er et tema med mange betydningslag. Ordet model stammer fra det latinske ord modulus der betyder målestok, eller skala, men i det 21. århundrede vækker ordet model associationer til både modeverdenen, kunsten og videnskaben. En model er en form, eller fremgangsmåde der fungerer som ideal. Igennem den menneskelige udvikling har vi kontinuerligt holdt vores verdensanskuelser op imod idealiserede modeller. Modellen angiver dermed hvordan et rigtigt resultat eller produkt skal være og etablerer grobund for en skillelinje mellem godt og dårligt. Derfor må vi hele tiden forholde os kritisk, i et forsøg på ikke at reproducerer de skadelige modeller.

I Afstøbningssamlingens rammer er vi omgivet af gipsafstøbninger der fungerer som modeller, både for kroppe, samfund og kunstens tidlige idealer. Disse blev i sin tid udvalgt som repræsentative for ’den gode kunst’, og skulle fungere som inspiration for de unge kunststuderende i tidens iver efter reproduktionen af antikkens guddommelige modeller. Da samlingen blev etableret i kølvandet på oplysningstiden og kunsthistorikeren Johann Joachim Winckelmann handlede det mere om samlingen som model for det europæiske demokratiske samfund og den hvide huds overlegenhed. Ironisk nok beskriver samlingens leder Henrik Holm Afstøbningssamlingen som værende en ”mislykket performance” allerede i sin oprettelse i 1895. Verdensanskuelsen var forældet og fokus var rykket mod modernismens originaler. Men i de efterladte afstøbninger findes et potentiale. Et potentiale for gentænkning af historiens modeller og muligheden for at skabe mere aktuelle modeller for vores samtid. Modeller som er inkluderende og som omfavner den mangfoldige verden der består i dag.


+1 vil sørge for forfriskninger. Alle er som altid velkomne.

Vi glæder os til at se jer!

Internship at SUPERFLEX

Open call for Intern Applications

SUPERFLEX is now accepting applications for the next internship period, January – June 2020. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday 21st October.

As an intern in SUPERFLEX, you will have plenty of opportunity to work on varied projects and to take part in the day-to-day work life of the studio. SUPERFLEX works with a wide range of projects; from large-scale public artworks, long-term research projects, group and solo exhibitions, to productions of film, paintings and sculptures. The projects take place both in and out of Denmark, and the common work language in the studio is English. The studio is organised into two larger departments – Operations/Coordination and Design/Production and each department can hold two interns. 

In Operations/Coordination Department, work tasks include:

  • Coordinating exhibitions and projects
  • Communicating with national and international partners
  • Researching background material for projects
  • Text production in Danish and English as well as proofreading
  • Handling social media platforms
  • Assisting with daily finance tasks
  • Coordinating travel and meeting arrangements
  • Assisting with studio operations

In Design/Production Department, work tasks and skills include:

  • Producing technical renderings and drawings
  • Developing concepts and researching projects
  • Producing project pdf-presentations
  • Realising experiments in 2D/3D
  • Assisting with studio operations
  • Good knowledge of the Adobe Package (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign) and Rhinoceros will be highly valued.

We are looking for someone who is result driven, can handle deadlines and work independently as well as collaboratively. Core to all positions is that you have a keen interest in contemporary art, architecture or design. SUPERFLEX studio currently consists of 12 studio members of various backgrounds.

Please note that we do not offer shorter internships or internships that start/end outside of the designated periods. All internships are on a voluntary basis. However, if interns do not receive Statens Uddannelsesstøtte – SU (the Danish Student Grant) during their internship, SUPERFLEX offers a stipend of DKK 6000/month.

All applications should include a CV and a short application letter sent to Head of Operations, Angela Adeix:

We look forward to hearing from you!

+1: Lea Guldditte Hestelund + Mette Woller

+1 er glade for at kunne præsentere billedkunstner LEA GULDDITTE HESTELUND i samtale med kunsthistoriker og kurator METTE WOLLER.

TID: Torsdag 26. september, kl. 17:00
STED: Roland Bar, bygning 21, stue etage, KUA


Lysten stiger.
Presset higer.
Så falder det første.

Og man står tilbage med den akavede samtale.

I en kærlig dialog omkring samarbejde, fællesskaber, rum, moderskab og stress
vil Lea Guldditte Hestelund og Mette Woller italesætte emner, som har haft stor betydning
for deres praksis hver især og det venskab og partnerskab, de har opbygget.

Det er en samtale omkring at lukke ned
At flyde sammen
Og vende tilbage.
Om udflydende kroppe i sammensmeltede rum.
Om arbejde, der vokser ind i venskaber.
Og om at vokse i fællesskab.


I sin kunstneriske praksis forener LEA GULDDITTE HESTELUND en skulpturel materialeundersøgelse med en interesse for, hvordan vi opfatter og tillægger kroppen betydning. Fra punktvise nedslag i specifikke kropsidealer og deres sociale og kønnede implikationer til en afsøgning af et mere flydende kropsbegreb; kroppe i transition, hvor fiktion og utopi bruges som en overlevelsesstrategi.
Se hendes værker og virke på hendes hjemmeside:

METTE WOLLERs kuratoriske praksis er centreret omkring udstillingsdesign som et æstetisk medium og ideologisk form. Gennem sine udstillingsdesign insisterer Woller på en transparens og opmærksomhed omkring den kontekst i hvilken, kunst er udstillet. Ligesom kuratering for hende er et laboratorie, der genovervejer det kuratoriske felt i forhold til medier og inkorporering af andre felter.
Dyk ned i hendes univers og kuratoriske arbejde på hendes hjemmeside:


+1 er artist talks på IKK – Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. En kunstner inviteres sammen med en samtalepartner efter eget valg. Heraf navnet + 1. Ambitionen med +1 er at skabe et rum for at udforske kunsten på samtalens præmisser.


+1 vil sørge for forfriskninger. Alle er som altid velkomne.

Vi glæder os til at se jer!

Link til FB event:

+1: Hesselholdt & Mejlvang + Solvej Helweg Ovesen


TID: 20. maj 2019 kl. 17.00 – 19.00
STED: ROLAND BAR, KUA – Karen Blixens Vej 1, Bygn. 21. Stueetagen


+1 har inviteret kunstnerduoen Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, der har valgt kurator Solvej Helweg Ovesen som deres samtalepartner.


Hesselholdt & Mejlvang er en kunstnerduo bestående af Sofie Hesselholdt (f. 1974) og Vibeke Mejlvang (f. 1976). De har arbejdet sammen siden 1999 og er begge uddannede fra Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi i 2006. Duoen arbejder med installationer, projekter i det offentlige rum, performances og udsmykninger. Deres tilgang er stedsspecifik, kontekst- og researchbaseret og de er særligt interesserede i kunstens evne til at operere direkte i virkeligheden.

De er optagede af indre og ydre grænser og emner som magtrelationer, nationalisme, race- og kønsproblematikker. Materialitet og æstetik er væsentlige elementer, som er uløseligt forbundet med den indholdsmæssige og aktivistiske side af deres praksis. Drivkraften i deres arbejde er troen på at kunst kan påvirke og ændre den samtid vi lever i.
Hesselholdt & Mejlvang har bl.a. haft soloudstillinger på Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, København; KUNSTEN, Aalborg; Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg; Thorvaldsens Museum, København. Deres værker har været vist på Manifesta 12, Italien; ARoS, Århus; Kunsthal Gl. Strand, København; Künstlerhaus Bregenz, Østrig.

De er i øjeblikket aktuelle med soloudstillingen THIS MOMENT is the BEGINNING på Thorvaldsens Museum. Læs mere om udstillingen her:

Solvej Helweg Ovesen (f. 1974) er kurator, skribent og uddannet i Kulturmanagement, Kulturvidenskab, Kommunikation og Kunsthistorie. Hun bor og arbejder i Berlin og Roskilde. Hun er Cand. Mag. i Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling fra Københavns Universitet og Humboldt Universitet, og Bachelor i Kommunikation fra Roskilde Universitet. I 2004 afsluttede hun Kurator- og Kulturmanagement uddannelsen ved De Appel i Amsterdam.

Ovesen har siden 2015 været kunstnerisk leder af Galerie Wedding-Raum für Zeitgenössiche Kunst, Berlin og co-kurator af Roskilde Festivals Arts and Activism program 2019-2020. Hun har tidligere været associeret kurator af Riga Biennalen 2018, kurator ved performance festivalen Nordwind 2017 og chef kurator af IMAGES 2016 projektet An Age of Our Own Making.
Læs mere om Galerie Wedding her:
Hun udgiver sammen med Bonaventure Soh Bejng Ndikung (som også var co-kurator ved IMAGES 2016) “Pow Up”, Kerber, 2019.


+1 er artist talks på IKK – Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. En kunstner inviteres sammen med en samtalepartner efter eget valg. Heraf navnet + 1. Ambitionen med +1 er at skabe et rum for at udforske kunsten på samtalens præmisser.


+1 vil sørge for forfriskninger. Alle er velkomne! Vi glæder os til at se jer!

FB event:

+1: Marie Lund + Jesper List Thomsen


TID: Torsdag 21. marts 2019 kl. 17.00 – 18:30
STED: Lokale 15A.1.13, KUA – Karen Blixens Vej 8, Bygn. 15. Første etagen


+1 har inviteret billedkunstner Marie Lund, som har valgt forfatter og billedkunstner Jesper List Thomsen som sin samtalepartner.


Marie Lund er dansk billedkunstner, som bor og arbejder i London. Marie Lunds kunstneriske praksis tager form igennem maleri, skulptur og installation. Hendes alsidige materialearbejde i bl.a. kobber, tekstil, cement og træ, som også er udgangspunktet i hendes værker.
Tidligere soloudstillinger inkluderer: Face to Back, Croy Nielsen, Wien; Grip, Jose Garcia, mx, Mexico City; Legumes, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Holstebro; Scout, Jose Garcia, mx, Merida; PIT, Croy Nielsen, Berlin; Flush, Badischer Kunstverein; Dip at Laura Bartlett and Drums, Museo Marino Marini. Hendes værker har været udstillet på kunstinstitutioner som: Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Tate Britain, London; Cologne Kunstverein, Køln; Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis; The Swiss Institute, New York and CCA Wattis, San Francisco. Den 22. marts åbner hendes soloudstilling The Thirst på Galleri Nicolai Wallner i København.

Jesper List Thomsen er dansk billedkunstner og forfatter baseret i Athen og London. Han er en del af kunstnerkollektivet og det kuratoriske projekt Am Nuden Da og redaktør ved online publikationen Da. Jesper List Thomsen bruger sin egen krop som et sted for akkumulering af sproget i sit kunstneriske virke.
Tidligere udstillinger og performances inkluderer: BASE BASE, Gasworks, London; A table made again for the first time, Bureau des Réalités, Brussels; A Social Body Event, Serpentine Gallery, London; Hollis and Money, ICA, London / Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart; Speak Through You, Hot Wheels Projects, Athens; LOOSELY BOUND, MOCA, Los Angeles. Han har tidligere skrevet tekster til Marie Lund.


+1 er artist talks på IKK – Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. En kunstner inviteres sammen med en samtalepartner efter eget valg. Heraf navnet + 1. Ambitionen med +1 er at skabe et rum for at udforske kunsten på samtalens præmisser.


+1 vil sørge for forfriskninger. Det er gratis at deltage og arrangementet er åbent for alle!

Vi glæder os til at se jer!

Plakat af: Caroline Elkjær
