TALK & PRØVESMAGNING // Kroppen i verden, verden i kroppen

Livet i kroppen er et stofskifte. En fysiologisk forandringsproces, hvor et hav af materielle forandringer, forhold og forløb finder sted, som både kunst og videnskab forsøger at bringe op til overfladen.

Troels Sandegård har inviteret Adam Bencard, filosof og adjunkt ved Medicinsk Museion/Novo Nordisk Center for Basic Metabolic Research, til en samtale om krop, sansning og videnskab i relation til udstillingen Bodies and Bodies.

Samtalen vil vende kropslighedens kompleksitet med perspektiver fra molekylær videnskab og krydre den med kropsfilosofi og sanseteori. Er man modig nok til en anderledes kulinarisk oplevelse, kan man prøvesmage ‘non muscular meat’ lavet af de knap så typiske dele af dyrekroppen tilberedt og kogt sammen til spændende smagsindtryk af Levent Bøilerhauge (tidligere kok hos Famo) i konceptuelt samarbejde med Troels Sandegård.


Thursday 27 February 6-8pm
TALK & FOOD SAMPLE // The body in the world, the world in the body 

The life of the body is metabolism. A physical process of change, with material exchanges, relations and courses that are constantly taking place, which both the art world and the world of science are investigating.

Troels Sandegård has invited Adam Bencard, philosopher and assistant professor at Medicinsk Museion/Novo Nordisk Center for Basic Metabolic Research to a conversation about the body, sensory perception and science In relation to the exhibition Bodies and Bodies.

The conversation will evolve around the complexity of the body with perspectives taken from molecular science added a little body philosophy and perceptual theory. If you are brave enough to try a different culinary experience, this evening you can sample some ‘non muscular meat’ consisting of the more rarely used parts of the animal combined with an exciting expression of flavours prepared by Levent Bøilerhauge (former chief at Famo) in conceptual collaboration with Troels Sandegård.

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