V1 Gallery og Eighteen er stolte af at præsentere gruppeudstillingen Horses, som fejrer hesten i samtidskunsten – figuren – dyret – myten.
Værker af Tomar Aluf, Dan Attoe, Troels Carlsen, Walter Dahn, Rose Eken, Geneieve Figgis, Danny Fox, Kent Iwemyr, Misaki Kawai, Karen Kilimnik, Per Kirkeby, Wes Lang, Austin Lee, Julie Lænkholm, Jonathan Meese, Jockum Nordström, Bjørn Nørgaard, Vincent Szarek, Troels Wørsel og Kasper Oppen Samuelsen.
Udstillingen åbner på fredag d. 19. maj fra 17 – 22. Alle er velkomne.
Join eventet her: Opening: Horses
Udstillingen løber fra den 19. maj – 5. august 2017.
For yderligere information om udstillingen kontakt venligst: mail@nullv1gallery.com
Vi håber at se jer,
V1 Gallery og Eighteen.



V1 Gallery søger praktikanter til forskelligartede opgaver på galleriets adresser i Kødbyen.

Vi leder efter en praktikant, som:

– Er lærenem, god til at arbejde selvstændigt og sammen med andre
– Har en solid ordenssans og er glad for at systematisere
– Er fleksibel både i forhold til arbejdstider og -opgaver
– Er glad, engageret og udadvendt


  • I tæt samarbejde med galleriets to assistenter sørge for den daglige drift – dvs. registrering og formidling via diverse digitale platforme, betjening af kunder i galleriet, lageropdatering, pressekontakt mv.
  • Assistere ved ferniseringer og andre forefaldende arrangementer i galleriet
  • Håndtering af indkommende og udgående kunstværker til og fra huset

Du kommer som praktikant til at arbejde med både praktiske og mere indholdsmæssige opgaver. Det er derfor vigtigt, at du er fleksibel og omstillingsparat, når det gælder dine arbejdsopgaver, som altså både vil omfatte kundekontakt, kontorarbejde og praktiske opgaver på galleriets lager. Vi kan tilbyde en arbejdsplads, hvor du får grundig erfaring med alle de rutiner og arbejdsgange, der udgør galleriets daglige drift, får udvidet dit netværk og et stærkt kendskab til samtidskunst.

Praktikstillingen er ulønnet. Timeantal: 2 dage ugentligt samt hver anden lørdag.

Kort om os: V1 Gallery blev grundlagt i 2002 og repræsenterer et bredt udvalg af nye og etablerede kunstnere med ca. 10 udstillinger om året. I august 2016 åbnede vores søstergalleri Eighteen.

Send en kort ansøgning med lidt om dig selv og dine kompetencer til: christiane@nullv1gallery.com

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at skrive en mail til: christiane@nullv1gallery.com

Ansøgningsfrist den 18. April 2017.


Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!

V1 Gallery og Eighteen

FERNISERING V1 Gallery og Eighteen: Richard Colman (US) og Troels Carlsen (DK) på fredag 31. marts fra 17-22

På fredag den 31. marts er der fernisering på udstillingerne Misanthrope af Richard Colman (US) i V1 Gallery og Otherworld af Troels Carlsen (DK) i vores søstergalleri Eighteen. Det starter kl 17.

Du kan læse mere og tilmelde dig vores facebook-events her:

Opening: Richard Colman – Misanthrope

Opening: Troels Carlsen – Otherworld

Alle er velkomne. Fri entrè. Vi håber at se jer.

V1 Gallery og Eighteen


Tangerine Society af B. Thom Stevenson på V1 Gallery

TANGERINE SOCIETY – en udstilling af den amerikanske kunstner B. Thom Stevenson åbner i dag fredag den 24. februar på V1 Gallery fra kl 17 – 22. Udstillingsperiode: 25. februar – 25. marts 2017.

Tangerine Society er B. Thom Stevensons første soloudstilling på V1 Gallery.

Uddrag fra pressemeddelelsen:

Conflict is natural in Stevenson’s work. Each painting deals with basic conflicts such as humankind and religion, civilization and nature, society and the individual, and probably the most ancient of them all (wo)man contra self. Archaic problems, but not old news, if we look around us.

The paintings in Tangerine Society engage these concerns. They are dilemma paintings. They are protest paintings. B. Thom Stevenson’s practice is cannibalistic.  Utilizing Xeroxed images of paintings he has painted from Xeroxed images of drawings drafted from observation. Cycles of imagery of images of images. With each rendition mutating and decaying or ascending into new motifs. Text and imagery are culled from an eclectic selection of sources: other artists living and dead, DIY culture, American and Italian cult horror movies, vintage quilt templates, Celtic stone carvings, literature and politics. B. Thom Stevenson is a multifaceted artist that explores the gaps between cultures by boiling down their artefacts in order to juxtapose them in visually impactful dialogues. Pairing both original and sourced materials to form a unique vocabulary, B. Thom explores the use of language as imagery and pictures as communication tools. Stevenson has recently showed at Half Gallery, New York, and The Journal Gallery, New York. Stevenson (b.1985) holds a BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design and lives and works in New York.

Alle er velkomne til ferniseringen.

Vi håber at se jer,

V1 Gallery



3 x opening reception: Fryd Frydendahl, Magnus Vind and Shane Bradford at V1 Gallery and Eighteen


A solo exhibition by Fryd Frydendahl
V1 Gallery. Opening Friday 20.01.17

Nephews takes its departure in a tragedy. Frydendahl’s older sister died in child labor leaving behind her infant son and his older brother. As a mean to process the loss of her sister and maintaining her close to heart and mind she began photographing her nephews. Out of a personal need, a unique relationship and collaboration with the young boys was established. They entered an unspoken pact that 10 years later would result in the exhibition and the book ‘Nephews’.

The exhibition consists of 26 colour photographs varying in size and medium created between 2006 and 2016. The works depict the boys coming of age. Playing, contemplating, caring, hiding, performing, not caring and just being. There is an ongoing interplay between the boys and Frydendahl. They seem to inhabit an almost magic space together, where common rules and regulations do not apply or are easily bend for adventure. The same kind of magical sentiment as you will find in Antoine de Saint – Exupéry’s The Little Prince.

Fryd Frydendahl, born 1984 on the west coast of Denmark, divides her time between New York and Denmark. She graduated from Fatamorgana, Copenhagen in 2006 and received an advance Certificate from The international Center of Photography, New York in 2009. In conjunction with the exhibition the New York publishing house Konnotation Publishing will release the book Nephews (182 pages in a first edition of 500). The book will be available at the opening. Frydendahl has exhibited widely. This is her second exhibition with V1 Gallery.

A solo exhibition by Magnus Vind
V1 Gallery Project Space. Opening Friday 20.01.17

The exhibition is comprised of 7 black and white photos created during Vind’s travels in Serbia and Portugal in the summer of 2016. Magnus Vind, born 1988, Denmark, is a student at Funen Art Academy. A Perfect Day To Chase Tornados is Vind’s first exhibition with V1 Gallery. The exhibition is accompanied by a handbound publication in an edition of 75 created by the artist.

A solo exhibition by Shane Bradford
Eighteen. Opening Friday 20.01.17

The term Static Vehicle is borrowed from the Paul Virilio’s prophetic 2007 work ‘The Futurism of the Instant, Stop-Eject’ and was originally used in an architectural sense to describe the VHB’s (Very High Buildings) of the present day2. But the term is easily transposed to describe the role of art works in general – as static vehicles of potential meaning. The purity of this equation marries material to an idea, cause to an outcome, and suggests that things are the way they are because they have to be.

Shane Bradford, born 1971, lives and works in London. He continuously investigates the dialogue between painting and sculpture in his practice. Static Vehicle consist of 5 large scale works involving corrugated metal and coloured emulsion. He has recently exhibited in Cologne (Choi & Lager), and Stockholm (Christian Larsen Gallery) and has an upcoming residency at CCA (Mallorca).

We hope to see you,

V1 Gallery and Eighteen


Join the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/226237477829723/

Kunstbogmarked i 3 gallerier på Flæsketorvet på lørdag


Lørdag den 17.12.16 er der kunstbogmarked i 3 gallerier på Flæsketorvet fra 12.00 – 16.00.
Her kan man købe signerede kunstbøger, kataloger og særlige editions.
Flere kunstnere er tilstede for at signere udvalgte nye bøger. Samtidig er det muligt at se 7 fine udstillinger:
Galleri Bo Bjerggaard viser Per Inge Bjørlo og Per Bak Jensen.
V1 Gallery viser Danny Fox og Rose Eken.
Eighteen viser Thomas Øvlisen.
Gether Contemporary viser The Shape Of Things To Come.
Fotografisk Center viser Ung Dansk Fotografi og serverer gløgg fra kl 14.00.
Vi glæder os til at se jer.
Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Gether Contemporary, V1 Gallery & Eighteen og Fotografisk Center

V1 Gallery og Eighteen præsenterer: Danny Fox, Rose Eken og Thomas Øvlisen

V1 Gallery er stolte af at kunne præsentere Danny Fox (UK) A Spoon With The Bread Knife og Rose Eken (DK) Can. Fernisering fredag 25. november fra 17.00 – 22.00.

Samme dag åbner Techno Fossil Tumbleweed med Thomas Øvlisen (DK) i vores søstergalleri Eighteen, fra 17.00 – 21.00.

Alle er velkomne. Vi glæder os til at se jer.

For yderligere info: link

Facebook-event: link



danny_fox_v1_2016_6 rose_eken_v1_2016

Opening reception: Sara-Vide Ericson and Katja Bjørn

V1 Gallery proudly presents the two exhibitions

DARK WHITE by Sara-Vide Ericson and GARGOYLE ROOM by Katja Bjørn.


The new body of work from Swedish painter Sara-Vide Ericson is visually arresting. 18 paintings and one drawing. In Ericson’s paintings nature is a place where you get hurt if you are not careful. The vast Swedish woods will swallow you and wolves, bears and worms will disperse of your remains. The humans in the works and woods are engaged in seemingly ritualistic behavior, a physical form of psychotherapy, where feelings, dreams, moments are enacted and reenacted. The white light is a recurring theme in every work – it takes on many meanings and positions. It illuminates, radiates, provides, it gives and takes power, it burns, it is harsh and even violent, it is life and death. The tableau in the work The Dark White Redemption, is a starling painting. What is the woman doing in the river? This is clearly not a regular way to clean clothes. Is it some kind of ritual? A strange pagan Baptism? A punishment? A peace offering? Her posture is strong. She is in control. Where Ericson earlier dreamed or imagined scenarios and would revisit them to photograph them with a model before translating them into oil paintings – she is now performing her paintings. She is that woman in the river with strong shivering arms raised above her head, cold, tired and victorious. She can taste the iron water in the red river and you can feel that in her new work.

V1 Gallery is pleased to present our first exhibition by Danish video artist Katja Bjørn. Gargoyle Room is a video projected on two walls combined with a strong auditory side making it a sensual total installation depicting the nature and condition of lust. Most of Katja Bjørn’s work plays on a dichotomy between awakening the voyeur within causing us to stare intensively and an intimidation that leads to embarrassment or disgust so one must look away. Gargoyle Room is no exception. It is a visually striking and claustrophobic confrontation, an entrance into the subconscious of pure instinct and lust without interruption from self-censorship, guilt and shame. A conflict between pleasure and pain, beauty and disgust. In the dark scenery of the video masked characters in underwear explore each other curiously bringing it all down to the bodily experience of touching, fumbling, breathing, enjoying, and playing. Sculptural formations of bodies form patterns in the dark. Vague hints. Glimpses of intimate situations. Blurry close-ups that trigger our own fantasies and imagination. The scene is staged by the artist, but the characters in the video are played by actual swingers performing the sexual act instinctively as the camera runs, while dismantling cultural borders of everyday life such as social rank, life situation and age. The viewer becomes the intrusive voyeur to a mysterious and ritualistic game that is also a story of longing as a human condition.

Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you.

V1 Gallery

Opening reception: 29 Flags – a solo exhibition by Cali Thornhill DeWitt

The newly opened gallery Eighteen (a sister gallery to V1) is proud to present:

29 Flags – a solo exhibition by Cali Thornhill DeWitt

Opening reception Thursday October 13. from 17.00 – 21.00.
Exhibition period October 14. – November 19. 2016.

Link to Facebook event here

Cali Thornhill DeWitt’s new body of work takes it departure in recent American history. The series consists of 29 vintage Stars & Stripes, with flock lettering, in various sizes and from various time periods and places. Each work refers to a specific event in American history; from the death of Marilyn Monroe, The Waco siege, Elvis comeback concert, The cult of the Manson family, Traci Lords’ underage porn, The Unabomber to the trial of O.J Simpson.

“When I was a kid I was terrified by the news. Nuclear war was imminent. Satanists were on every block. When I was 12 The Nightstalker had LA checking the locks on all their doors and I started sleeping with a knife under my pillow. The far right was doing their best to control anyone with different ideas and lifestyles and hateful evangelists were scandalized for the human behaviors they demonized from the pulpit. When Senator Budd Dwyers public suicide was televised, kids in the neighborhood would bring VHS copies of it to each other’s houses. While I was recalling events and choosing what these flags would be I quickly saw that I could have made the entire series out of current events. How many shootings have happened in the last 6 months alone? The horror continues”. Cali Thornhill DeWitt, 2016.

DeWitt deconstructs these moments in the exhibition, his language a mixture of haiku poetry, TV shop, breaking news and text message. He facilitates a memorial of moments. A wake for 29 Flags.

Cali Thornhill DeWitt (born 1973, Vancouver Islands, Canada) lives and works in Los Angeles, USA. Dewitt’s practice reflects a complex and fragmented world, but instead of fostering first world apathy or nihilism, it induces curiosity, defiance and hope. He works in the same tradition as Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, John Giorno and the late great Mike Kelley. He is a multidisciplinary artist and eclectic instigator. He runs the independent record label and publishing house Teenage Teardrops together with his wife Jenna Thornhill DeWitt (a frequent collaborator). Recent and ongoing collaborations include Varg (album covers) Kanye West (Pablo World), Iceage (videos, album covers), A Four Labs (two collections), Someware (a collaboration with artist Brendan Fowler) and numerous projects with Haruka Hirata of Big Love. A new artist book Over The Volcano has just been released at The New York Art Book Fair. 29 Flags a publication made on the occasion of the exhibition will be available in a very limited edition of 100.

The reception is open til all. The artist will be present. We look forward to seeing you.




V1 Gallery søger en praktikant til forskelligartede opgaver på galleriets adresse i Kødbyen.

Vi leder efter en praktikant, som:

– Er lærenem og arbejder selvstændigt
– Har en solid ordenssans og er glad for at systematisere
– Er fleksibel både i forhold til arbejdstider og -opgaver
– Er glad, engageret og udadvendt


  • I tæt samarbejde med galleriets to assistenter sørge for den daglige drift – dvs. formidling via diverse digitale platforme, betjening af kunder i galleriet, pressekontakt mv.
  • Assistere ved ferniseringer og andre forefaldende arrangementer i galleriet
  • Håndtering af indkommende og udgående kunstværker til og fra huset

Du kommer som praktikant til at arbejde med både praktiske og mere indholdsmæssige opgaver. Det er derfor vigtigt, at du er fleksibel og omstillingsparat, når det gælder dine arbejdsopgaver, som altså både vil omfatte kundekontakt, kontorarbejde og praktiske opgaver på galleriets lager. Til gengæld kan vi tilbyde en arbejdsplads, hvor du får grundig erfaring med alle de rutiner og arbejdsgange, der udgør galleriets daglige drift. Der vil også være weekendarbejde om lørdagen.

Praktikstillingen er ulønnet. Timeantal: To dage om ugen samt lørdage.

Kort om os:

V1 Gallery blev grundlagt i 2002 og repræsenterer et bredt udvalg af nye og etablerede kunstnere med 10 udstillinger om året.

Send en kort ansøgning med lidt om dig selv og dine kompetencer til: christiane@nullv1gallery.com

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at skrive en mail til: christiane@nullv1gallery.com

Ansøgningsfrist d.3 oktober 2016:

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!