Talk by curator Andrej Bereta from Belgrade

ABOUT AND AROUND CURATING – a talk about curating and the art scene in Belgrade by curator Andrej Bereta.
Andrej Bereta, a freelance curator from Belgrade, is visiting Copenhagen to give an insight into the independent art scene and curating in Belgrade through a presentation of the ongoing project Kustosiranje, or About and around curating.
About and around curating was recently founded in Belgrade by Andrej Bereta and Srdan Tunic in response to the fact that the position and sustainability of a curator’s profession in a broad social setting is greatly unknown to most art history students in Belgrade.
The project therefore gather young art historians and other young professionals engaged in art and culture in order to discuss and develop the future possibilities for curators in Belgrade, nurturing the society’s understanding for the different professions art history covers.
By doing so, About and around curating bridges the gap between the knowledge gained at university and the use of that same knowledge in a practical, professional environment characteristic for the curator’s vocation. As a forum, About and around curating supports a proactive attitude of young and future art curators through discussions and educational activities focusing on curatorial practice and independent exhibition projects in the context of Belgrade.
Website: For more info on the event, please send an email to:

Supported/Organized by: Danish Arts Council, The Factory of Art & Design, UKK – Young Art Workers and Tijana Miskovic


Suada Demirovi?, photo (44x112), part of series “work in progress”, Rundgang, 2011

Cities in the Middle East have been on the move for many months now. Not only politics and economy are at stake, but also cultural activities and artistic practice.




Conference at the Schools of Visual Art, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, On Friday, October 7th, 2011. Place: Festsalen, Kongens Nytorv 1, Copenhagen.


The program:


MORNING (coordinated by Carsten Juhl)

10,00-10,10: Welcome, by rector Mikkel Bogh, Schools of Visual Art.

10,00-10,25: “A world in crisis, possibilities for art and culture”. By Carsten Juhl.

10,15-11,00: The projects shown at La Biennale di Venezia 2011 and at Rivoli in Torino. By Aida Eltorie.

11,00-11,20: Discussion of the presentation made by Aida Eltorie.

11,20-12,00: “The Significance of Freedom. To make an essay-film about Cairo”. By Truls Lie.

Pause of 60 minutes.

AFTERNOON (coordinated by Thomas Locher)

13,00-14,00: “Jerusalem, the City of Cultures”. By Huda Imam.

14,00-15,00: “The performative, the participative and the rest”. By Georges H. Rabbath.

15,00-16,00: Questions and discussion among all participants, animated by Tijana Miskovic.

16,00-16,15: “Differences and analogies among artistic positions in Europe and in the Middle East”. A conclusion, by Thomas Locher.




Guests participating:


Aida Eltorie (Cairo). Artist and curator. Organizer of the Egyptian Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, 2011.

Huda Imam (Jerusalem). Founder and director of the Center for Jerusalem Studies at the Al Qud University and also director for the Al Qud University Jerusalem Program for international relations.

Truls Lie (Oslo). Critic. Editor of Dox and publisher of Le Monde diplomatique.

Georges H. Rabbath (Beirut). Visual artist, writer and researcher. Official curator of the Lebanese pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, 2011, where “The State of Mind” art project was launched.





Carsten Juhl (Copenhagen). Historian. Head of the Department of Art Theory and Communication at the Schools of Visual Art.

Thomas Locher (Berlin and Copenhagen). Visual artist and professor at the Schools of Visual Art.

Tijana Miskovic (Copenhagen). Visual artist and independent curator.




Photo on the flyer by Suada Demirovi?, photo (44×112), part of series “work in progress”, Rundgang, 2011

The conference is open to the public and attendance is free of charge. For more information please send an email to: