Talk by curator Andrej Bereta from Belgrade

ABOUT AND AROUND CURATING – a talk about curating and the art scene in Belgrade by curator Andrej Bereta.
Andrej Bereta, a freelance curator from Belgrade, is visiting Copenhagen to give an insight into the independent art scene and curating in Belgrade through a presentation of the ongoing project Kustosiranje, or About and around curating.
About and around curating was recently founded in Belgrade by Andrej Bereta and Srdan Tunic in response to the fact that the position and sustainability of a curator’s profession in a broad social setting is greatly unknown to most art history students in Belgrade.
The project therefore gather young art historians and other young professionals engaged in art and culture in order to discuss and develop the future possibilities for curators in Belgrade, nurturing the society’s understanding for the different professions art history covers.
By doing so, About and around curating bridges the gap between the knowledge gained at university and the use of that same knowledge in a practical, professional environment characteristic for the curator’s vocation. As a forum, About and around curating supports a proactive attitude of young and future art curators through discussions and educational activities focusing on curatorial practice and independent exhibition projects in the context of Belgrade.
Website: For more info on the event, please send an email to:

Supported/Organized by: Danish Arts Council, The Factory of Art & Design, UKK – Young Art Workers and Tijana Miskovic

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