
Overgaden byder velkommen til åbningen af udstillingerne ‘Dr. Topic’ af Christian Vind og ‘Coming From’, der har deltagelse af 30 danske kunstnere. 

Christian Vind: Dr. Topic
23.08.2014 – 26.10.2014
Collageprincippet udgør et centralt element i Christian Vinds (f. 1969) arbejde. Hans værker er baseret på et omfattende arkiv af kunst- og kulturhistorisk materiale samt genstande og billeder fra hverdagen, som han ud fra associative katalogiseringer sammenstiller i nye betydningssammenhænge. Under titlen Dr. Topic tager Vind på denne soloudstilling en række emner under behandling, der bindes sammen af et gennemgående fokus på tiden og dens repræsentationsformer. Udstillingen, der bl.a. består af collager, kalenderblade og et kabinet med kuriøse objekter, udfolder sig som en journal eller sagsmappe, der trækker tråde mellem fortid og nutid i en fortættet encyklopædisk kortlægning af erindringsspor.

Coming From
23.08.2014 – 14.09.2014
Hvor kommer inspirationen fra? Hvad er historien og motivationen bag de kunstværker, der hænger på kunstinstitutionens hvide vægge? Det undersøger Overgadens kommende udstillingsprojekt Coming From, hvor 30 danske kunstnere er blevet bedt om at vise, hvad der inspirerer dem i deres kunstneriske praksis. Hver kunstner bidrager med en genstand eller andet relevant materiale fra gemmerne, som samles i en gruppeudstilling på Overgadens første sal. I løbet af perioden vil flere af de inviterede kunstnere selv præsentere deres materiale i en række af talks, der udfolder deres inspirationskilder.


Friday 22 August Overgaden invites you to the opening of the exhibitions ‘Dr. Topic’ by Christian Vind and ‘Coming From’ which will feature 30 danish artists.

Christian Vind: Dr. Topic
23.08.2014 – 26.10.2014
The principle of collage constitutes a key element of Christian Vind’s (b. 1969) practice. His works are based on an extensive archive of material from art and cultural history as well as objects and images from everyday life, which he, based on associative cataloging systems, juxtaposes in new contexts of meaning. Under the title Dr. Topic Vind takes a number of topics up for discussion, all bound together by a focus on time and its representations. The exhibition, which among other things consists of collages, calendar leaves and a cabinet with curious objects, unfolds as a record or file, connecting past and present in a condensed encyclopedic survey of memory traces.

Coming From
23.08.2014 – 14.09.2014
Where does inspiration come from? What is the story and motivation behind the art works that are hanging on the white walls of the art institutions? This question is raised by the exhibition project Coming From for which 30 Danish artists have been asked to show what inspires them in their artistic practice. Every artist contributes with an object, piece, or other form of relevant material of their choosing which will be gathered and presented on the first floor of Overgaden. During the exhibition period several of the invited artists will present their material in a series of public talks that elaborate on the inspirational sources of the invited artists.

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