Jacob Dahlstrup, Cosmographicum, 17.05.-15.06.2013, Galleri Christoffer Egelund,
Jacob Dahlstrup, Cosmographicum, 17.05.-15.06.2013, Galleri Christoffer Egelund,
Det er en stor glæde for Galleri Christoffer Egelund at præsentere udstillingen “Cosmographicum” med nye papirarbejder og keramiske værker af Jacob Dahlstrup (f. 1985).
Værkerne udspiller sig i et unikt krydsfelt mellem fascinationen af rummet “cosmos” og det at tegne, eller kortlægge “graphicum”. Både i motiver og størrelser spænder værkerne vidt, fra små intenst detaljerede studier af månens overflade til store dramatiske eksplosioner i himmelrummet. Interessen for cosmos har også tidligere givet sig til udtryk i Jacob Dahlstrups værker hvor bl.a. Galileo Galilei og Johannes Kepler har været i centrum. Med denne udstilling har kunstneren rettet søgelyset mod den nyere tids rumeventyr med fabulerende referencer til velkendte billedfremstillinger af f.eks. Månelandingen og Apollo rumprogrammet i sin helhed.
For Dahlstrup er værkets materialitet en central del af fortællingen. Her fungerer papiret ikke blot som en tegnegrund men bearbejdes i dybden gennem påføring af pulverpigment af grafit og rødkalk, også kaldet Sanguine. Pigmenterne arbejdes langsomt ind i papiret og når den dybe mørke tone er etableret graves de lyse nuancer og en ny tekstur frem af papirets fiber ved hjælpe af både sandpapir, sliberedskaber og tatovørnåle.
Med sproglig hilsen i udstillingstitlen til Johannes Keplers udgivelse om universets mysterium “Mysterium Cosmographicum” inviterer Jacob Dahlstrups værker os på en rejse i tid og rum i selskab med såvel astronauter og nonner som strålende himmellegemer og aber.
Jacob Dahlstrup (f. 1985) bor og arbejder i København. Han er uddannet fra Glasgow School of Art i 2010 og har allerede udstillet sine værker i USA, Frankrig, Storbritannien, Spanien og Tyskland m.m. Derudover indgår Dahlstrups værker i The Davis Museum, Massachusetts, USA og CCA Andratx Collection, Mallorca, Spanien.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer til fernisering på udstillingen “Cosmographicum” fredag den 17. maj i tidsrummet kl. 16-19. Ved ferniseringen vil Jacob Dahlstrup være til stede. Udstillingen løber frem til den 15. juni 2013. Åbningstider: mandag–fredag 11-18, lørdage fra 12-16. For mere information og pressefotografier, kontakt venligst galleriet på: info@nullchristofferegelund.dk eller på +45 33 93 92 00.For flere billeder klik her
Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly presents the exhibition “Cosmographicum” featuring new works on paper and ceramic sculptures by Jacob Dahlstrup (b. 1985).
The works come to life in a unique intersection between the fascination of outer space, “cosmos” and the concept of drawing or mapping “graphicum”. In motifs as well as scale the works represents a wide range of expressions, from small intensely detailed studies of the surface of the moon to grand dramatic celestial explosions. The interest in cosmos has also been featured in Dahlstrups earlier works where e.g. Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler has been the center of attention. With this exhibition the artist aimes his spotlight at the space adventures of modern times with imaginative narrative references to the well know images of e.g. the moon landing and the entire Apollo space program.
The materiality of the works also play a central role in Dahlstrups narratives. Here the paper does not solely serve as a practical base for the drawings but is carefully treated to give an impression of depth and texture. Through an intense application of graphite and red chalk –also called Sanguine- onto the surface Dahlstrup creates a deep dark surface from which he then digs out the lighter nuances from the paper’s fibres using sand paper, grinding tools and even tattoo needles.
With a linguistic greeting in the exhibition title to Johannes Kepler’s publication on the mystries of the univers entitled “Mysterium Cosmographicum” Dahlstrup invites us on a journey in time and space in the grand company of both astronauts, nuns, shining celestial bodies and monkeys.
Jacob Dahlstrup (b. 1985) lives and works in Copenhagen, Danmark. He graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 2010 and has already exhibit his works in USA, France, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany etc. Furthermore Dahlstrups works are included in The Davis Museum, Massachusetts, US and CCA Andratx Collection, Mallorca, Spain.
Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the show “Cosmographicum” on Friday May 17th from 4pm – 7pm. At the reception Jacob Dahlstrup will be present. The exhibition will run until June 15th 2013. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photographs, please contact the gallery at: info@nullchristofferegelund.dk or at +45 33 93 92 00.


Forfatter: Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Gallery Christoffer Egelund is a cutting-edge art gallery focusing on high quality Scandinavian and international contemporary art. An experimental and innovative approach is an important agenda, to constantly challenge the boundaries of the gallery and the art scene itself. The gallery exhibits artworks with a large variety of media e.g. works on paper, photos, paintings, sculptures, performance and video - a unique artistic expression is of most importance. The presented artists have received great recognition from curators, collectors, museums and critics and have been displayed in important collections, Biennials, Art fairs, Art Museums and galleries around the world. The main target for the gallery is to create memorable exhibitions and to further the careers of emerging contemporary artists by curating exhibitions, participating in art fairs and biennales worldwide. Gallery Christoffer Egelund was established in 2005 by the owner and director Christoffer M. Egelund and is located in the historical old part of Copenhagen with 300m2 exhibition space and high ceiling. The area has many contemporary galleries, The National Gallery of Denmark, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Art institutes and The Danish Art Council makes this area one of the most important contemporary art scenes in Denmark. The gallery is a member of Danish Art Dealers Association (DGS) since 2006.

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