
When new urban areas and buildings are developed, typically we start from scratch. But what would happen if we instead utilised existing buildings, spaces and resources? On this first full-day ‘Saturday-Lab’ Sprout-participants from different disciplines will collaborate to develop new concepts for exploring and exploiting the city’s non-spaces.

>> Read more and sign up here

Workshhop faciliators
– Søren Nordal Enevoldsen, Architect MAA and Founder of SNE Architects
– Christopher Nielsen, engineer, teacher and co-founder of the workshop ‘Vrkstedet Maker Spaces’

The programme of the day will include an introduction to methodology, tools and inspiration, a city safari tour by bike, concept development, a prototype workshop and much more!

>> See the full programme here

Practical information
Date: June 4
Time: 09.00-21.00

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