
Meet the speakers Karl-Heinz Pogner and Betty Tsakarestou in this open talk about citizens as the most important stakeholders of the city.

The morning workshop aims at re-introducing citizens as the most important stakeholders of the city. Citysenseship will be introduced as one of the most important relationships into the practices of and discourses about organizing how to live in the city. Hypothetical questions will be asked like “… what if cities would rule the world?” – 2050: “What if cities ruled the world?”

Two competing streams seem to struggle for the dominance in the public discourse: the first one about Smart Cities is very prominent in the traditional mass media discourse, PR of tech companies and traditional municipal administration, whereas the second one around Organic City and Livable Cities is mostly enacted in social media, (local) initiatives, movements, (virtual) communities, new forms of urban governance in progressive municipal administration and co-competitive city networks and eco systems. The ultra-smart city is criticized for becoming a prison of full transparency and demolishing privacy and diversity, as core elements of a free citizenship. Nevertheless, these smart-cities fortresses, where the smart-tech fences are invisible, are offering an array of new services and facilities.

The workshop will focus on these questions:

  • How can smart cities become also liveable cities, affordable for everybody?
  • How can cityzens (civil society) and administrations & governors (state), and the corporations (market) co-create liveable smart cities?
  • How will their co-creation transform the sense of “feeling at home” and of #CitySenseShip

Instead of discussing these questions only on an abstract level, we shall use both “rational” knowledge systems and experience-based knowledge in a co-creation workshop around the challenges of the Talent Week.

Karl-Heinz Pogner & Betty Tsakarestou

DATE: 19th of August
TIME: 08:30-11:30
LOCATION: Fæstningens Materialgård in the Event Room, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, 1220 Copenhagen
PRICE: 100 kr admission/60 kr student admission

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