WORKSHOP FOR ALLE med Fanclub – “A dancer’s point of view”


I denne workshop inviterer vi dig til på egen krop, at opleve hvordan en forestilling bliver til og udvikler sig. Vi i Fanclub deler ud af vores erfaring fra de to kunstneriske processer i DEATH, og sammen afprøver vi enklere bevægelsesimprovisationer og tekst- og stemmeøvelser. Workshoppen afsluttes med en samtale, hvor der er plads til spørgsmål og refleksioner.

Workshoppen henvender sig til ALLE interesserede, og der kræves INGEN tidligere erfaring med dans. Velkommen!
<3 Fanclub

Fanclub har base i København og består af danserne Andrea Deres, Carolina Bäckman, Ellesiv Vestreim Selseng og Sofia Karlsson. Sammen inviterer de kunstnere, de finder interessante, til forskellige samarbejder med ambition om at udfordre traditionelle arbejdsformer og at skabe kunst, der gør indtryk og tager standpunkt. Læs mere på

Tidspunkt: lørdag d. 5. april, kl. 14-16
Sted: Dansehallerne, Studie 3, Pasteursvej 14 2. sal, 1799 København V
Pris: 65 kr. inkluderer billet til forestillingen DEATH i Dansehallerne.
Betaling sker til workshoppen. HUSK at medbringe kontanter.

Tilmelding sker via mail til, skriv WORKSHOP i emnefeltet.
Tilmeldingsfrist 1. april. NB – skriv hvilken dag du vil ind at se DEATH i Dansehallerne 23.-26. april. For mere information om forestillingen, se

A WORKSHOP FOR EVERYONE with Fanclub – ” A dancer’s point of view”
In connection with Fanclub’s upcoming double bill DEATH, they invite you to a workshop, where you on your own body get a chance to experience how the two performances by the choreographers Kim Hiorthøy (NO/SE) and Itamar Serussi (IL/NL) have been developed.

Fanclub want to share their experience from the two artistic processes with you, and together try simple movement improvisation as well as text- and voice exercises. By the end of the workshop a dialogue with room for reflections and questions about the work will take place.

The workshop is for EVERYONE interested and requires NO previous experience with dance. Welcome!
<3 Fanclub

Fanclub is Andrea Deres, Carolina Bäckman, Ellesiv Selseng and Sofia Karlsson – a dancers’ collective based in Copenhagen. Fanclub invite artists they find fascinating into different collaborations and it is here that the essence and strength of their work is to be found. Their ambition as a dancers’ collective is to challenge the traditional working formats and to create art that makes an impact and takes a stand.

When: Saturday 5 April at 2pm-4pm
Where: Dansehallerne, studio 3, Pasteursvej 14 2. sal, 1799 København V
Price: 65 dkk, includes one ticket to the performance at Dansehallerne 23-26 April
Registration: e-mail to, deadline 1 April. Type WORKSHOP in the subject line and write your name, phone number, as well as the date & time you wish to see the performance DEATH – see the schedule here

Forfatter: Gunnvá Nolsøe

Cand. Mag. Visuel Kultur

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