LARM Vitale Arkiver: Radio Voices #4 interdisciplinary seminar on the voice

27April 2012 1pm-4 pm
University of Copenhagen, Karen Blixensvej 1, 21.5.56

The radio voice is the voice of everyday life. Whether the expression is intimate or authoritative the radio voice merges with our private sphere and we react to the speaking voice in certain ways – with degrees of affection or perhaps with disgust. From the very advent of broadcast radio around 1920 it has been characterized by an orality addressing all listeners regardless of their social class. The fact that radio voices have been associated with the voices of everyday life calls for a closer examination.

The Radio Voices seminar focuses on the expressive qualities of radio voices. How do we describe radio voices and how do these mediated voices interfere with us in our daily life? The seminar addresses these central questions from a variety of perspectives ranging from current research in voice aesthetics and reception to practices of voice training and voice editing.

The seminar is free and open to everyone.

For further information contact Anna Lawaetz



13.00-13.05  Welcome by PhD student Anna Lawaetz

13.05-13.40   Anna Lawaetz, PhD student: “Recreating the past – the influence of technology on voice aesthetics from the 30ies to the 00ies”

13.40-14.15   ”Training of a voice for radio use” – Master class by voice teacher Ilia Swainson.

14.15-14.30   Coffee break

14.30-15.05  Tim Hinman, Third Ear: ”Working with voices in the production of radio”

15.05-15.35   Grit Böhme PhD student, University of Halle:”How are we affected by the radio voice? Introduction to methods to capture how radio voices affect us with examples from Germany in general and speech science in particular. Futhermore, she is going to present some examples from her ongoing research project on the topic.

15.35-16.00   Discussion – mediator Bente Larsen, projectcoordinator LARM

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