14. september – T. J. Demos: Art in Emergency Times (Art and humanitarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa)

*******TALK KL. 17:00 – FILMVISNING KL. 15.00*******************

T. J. Demos: Art in Emergency Times (Art and humanitarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa)

T. J. Demos – en af tidens anerkendte kulturteoretikere, som er bosat i London – taler om Renzo Martens’ film Episode III – Enjoy Poverty. Martens’ spektakulære og foruroligende værk vil blive vist inden talken kl.15.00. Selve talken er den første i en række foredra…g og samtaler, som – under titlen Radical Ruptures – vil undersøge relationen mellem kunst, offentligt rum og den samtidige politiske situation. Hvert foredrag vil finde sted på en ny lokalitet i København og er organiseret af publik. (Se det fulde program for Radical Ruptures på www.publik.dk).

Onsdag den 14. september
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Mezzaninen
Gratis adgang!
*******TALK AT 17.00 – SCREENING AT 15.00*********************

T. J. Demos: Art in Emergency Times (Art and humanitarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa)

T. J. Demos – a noted cultural thinker who is based in London – will discuss Renzo Martens’ film Episode III – Enjoy Poverty. A special screening of Martens’ spectacular and disturbing work will take place before the talk at 15:00. The talk itself is the first in a series of lectures and conversations which – under the title Radical Ruptures – explore the relationship between art, public space and current politics. Each lecture will take place in a new venue around Copenhagen and the series is organised by publik. (See the full programme for Radical Ruptures at www.publik.dk)

Wednesday 14 September
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Mezzanine
Admission free!

Forfatter: Gunnvá Nolsøe

Cand. Mag. Visuel Kultur

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