Palace Nights – free concert with Michael Møller at Kunsthal Charlottenborg

Palace Nights – concert with Michael Møller at Kunsthal Charlottenborg

Koncert med Michael Møller
Onsdag 1. juni, 18.00
Udstillingssalene / Gratis adgang
Igennem to år har forsangeren i moi Caprice Michael Møller arbejdet på et musikalsk værk om ugengældt kærlighed. Det er blevet til 31 sange, der i løbet af maj måned én for én har kunnet downloades gratis på

»Fra starten var d et klart, at jeg ville arbejde med 31 sange. 31 er på sin vis et tal, vi næsten udelukkende forbinder med en måned. En uge eller 14 dage ville mere bare være cd-format, mens 31 vitterligt er noget helt andet. Det var en måde at bruge internettets store muligheder til at tænke et stort koncept«, forklarer Møller om det omfangsrige projekt, som også tæller gæsteoptrædener fra I Got You on Tape- og Murder-sangeren Jacob Bellens samt Jannis Makrigiannis fra Choir of Young Believers.” Soundvenue, 18. april, 2011

Michael Møller præsenterer denne aften sit soloprojekt i dets fulde omfang for første gang. Koncerten foregår inde i udstillingen Corso Multisala, som er skabt omkring en gruppe unge schweiziske kunstnere.

Concert with Michael Møller
Wednesday 1 June, 18.00
Galleries / Admission free
For two years the lead singer of moi Caprice Michael Møller has been working on a musical project about unrequited love. It has resulted in 31 songs, of which you each day – during the month of May – could download for free at:

“From the beginning it was clear that I would work with 31 songs. 31 is certainly a figure we almost exclusively associate with a month. A week or 14 days would be more like just a CD format, while 31 is really something else. It was a way to use the internet”s great potential to think a great concept, “explains Møller about the extensive project, which also include guest appearances from the I Got You on Tape an d Murder singer Jacob Bellens and Jannis Makrigiannis from Choir of Young Believers.” Soundvenue, 18 april, 2011

This evening Michael Møller presents his solo project in its full extent for the first time. The concert takes place in the exhibition Corso Multisala, an exhibition generated around a group of young Swiss artists.

Michael Møller

Forfatter: Gunnvá Nolsøe

Cand. Mag. Visuel Kultur

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