Summer Uni Prague 2010

Organized by Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague

Title: “Central Europe between Germany and Russia”

Date: September 4th – 19th 2010

Place: Prague, Czech Republic


ü        to provide students a broad understanding on the historical, political, economic, social and cultural development of Central Europe

ü        to analyze Central Europe’s role as an international political and economic player and the relations to its biggest neighbors – Germany and Russia.

Method:  the course is based on an interdisciplinary approach and combines different methodologies such as lectures, workshops, round-table discussions, group-work and students` presentations.

Program: visit –

Extras:  culture, sport and fun activities which ideally accompany the academic program

Price: 850 EUR/ 1170 USD

Included in price:

ü       Tuition (all lectures, workshops, discussions as mentioned in the program)

ü       Culture and social events (as mentioned in the program)

ü       Reading materials (on-line version will be at your disposal after enrolling)

ü       Housing at the Hall of Residence

ü       2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch)

Application: on-line –


Address: Summer University 2010

Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences
Smetanovo nabrezi 6
CZ-110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Tel:                      (+420) 251 080 250
Fax:                      (+420) 251 620 294
E-mail:        This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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