Flights of fancy: ballooning and aerial imagination

Flights of fancy: ballooning and aerial imagination




Lecture by Clare Brant

Professor of English, King’s College London


Clare Brant’s research interests cover all sorts of topics: she has published articles on duelling, dialogues, smell, elections, travel and murder. Her most recent publication is a major book on eighteenth-century letter-writing, including many forms of letter-writing not usually thought of in literary terms, like religious, political and historical letters. She is still interested in epistolary writings, and in other genres of life-writing like memoir and biography.


She is currently writing a book on ballooning. Her most recent publications are: Eighteenth-Century Letters and British Culture(Palgrave Macmillan 2006) and (with Susan E Whyman) Walking the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London: John Gay’s Trivia(1716) (Oxford University Press 2007) – an interdisciplinary essay collection and new edition of John Gay’s comic epic poem about London. 



Torsdag d. 12. november 14:30-16:00


Lokale 21.1.47

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