Cultural Diplomacy in Europe

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders. Berlin, February 16th – 20th, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is delighted to announce the launch of a new program that we have developed as part of our Young Leaders Forums series. Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) will take place in Berlin from February 16th-20th, 2009. This weeklong event has been designed to explore and improve cultural relations on the European continent. The ICD is now accepting applications for participants with an active interest in the topic.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization concerned with the promotion of intercultural understanding. Our activity includes the conducting of research into cultural diplomacy and the organisation of bilateral and multilateral programs and leadership initiatives. To learn more about the ICD, please visit our website:

The ICD Programs have been developed to facilitate intercultural exchange at the grass roots, civil society and political levels. They bring together Young Leaders from across the world for an analysis of cultural diplomacy, an exploration of the relationship between their cultures, and to create a sustainable network between likeminded individuals. Following the completion of the programs, the participants are encouraged to use this network to develop their own leadership initiatives in the field of cultural diplomacy.

The follow-up initiatives are supported by the ICD through an online forum and personal consultation, and allow the ICD principals of inter-cultural relations based on dialogue, understanding and trust to spread much further.

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders

The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: a Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is designed with the intention of bringing together young, influential people from Europe and across the world, in order for them to gain an insight into the need and practice of Cultural Diplomacy in the European context through workshops, lectures and debates. Although more Europeans work, travel or study abroad than ever before, cultural divides continue to exist. There is nothing inherently confrontational about cultural differences, but when they lead to prejudices and stereotypes they can become obstacles for cooperation. The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Forum will examine the origin of these divides within Europe and how they influence economic, political and societal relations on the continent. Topics that will be discussed are, among others: the question of the European identity, nationalism, relations between “Western” and “Eastern” Europe within the context of EU enlargement and migration. Furthermore the Forum will explore how Cultural Diplomacy is conducted today and how Cultural Diplomacy initiatives can enable Europeans to overcome differences in the future.

Please see the following link for further information, including the application form:

For specific enquiries in to the program, please contact us at:

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