Institute for Cultural Diplomacy programs– February 2009:

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy programs– February 2009:

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders ( 9 – 13 February 2009)
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (16 – 20 February 2009)
Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (23 – 27 February 2009)

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is pleased to announce four programs taking place in Berlin, February 2009. All programs are currently accepting applications.

The ICD is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization focused on the theoretical and practical promotion of cultural exchange as a tool for improving relations in all areas. To learn more about our activity, please visit

The ICD Programs have been developed to facilitate intercultural exchange at the grass roots, civil society and political levels. They bring together Young Leaders from across the world for an analysis of cultural diplomacy, an exploration of the relationship between their cultures, and to create a sustainable network between likeminded individuals. Following the completion of the programs, the participants are encouraged to use this network to develop their own leadership initiatives in the field of cultural diplomacy.

The follow-up initiatives are supported by the ICD through an online forum and personal consultation, and allow the ICD principals of inter-cultural relations based on dialogue, understanding and trust to spread much further

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy (2 – 6 February 2009)

The ICD offers the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy to allow individuals of all backgrounds to gain an introduction in, or deepen their knowledge of, the field of Cultural Diplomacy. A diverse, inter-disciplinary curriculum featuring leading figures from the public sector, private sector and civil society will stimulate discussions of the salient issues in the field of Cultural Diplomacy today. The program is designed to complement more traditional academic studies in the area, as well as accommodate individuals from a professional background.

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Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (9 – 13 February 2009)

The relationship between Europe and Latin America, whilst strong in certain areas, can be further strengthened to the benefit of both. Important areas for consideration include Europe’s role in the economic development of Latin America, and the cooperation of the two regions on global issues. Cultural Diplomacy can help by facilitating sustainable cooperation between Europe and Latin America based on an understanding and awareness of the respective cultures, and the challenges faced within each region. Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders will bring together young leaders from the two areas for a consideration of the bi-regional relationship, and to look at how it can be supported by Cultural Diplomacy.

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Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (16 – 20 February 2009)

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) has been designed to bring together young, influential people from Europe and across the world to explore the need for, and practice of, Cultural Diplomacy within Europe. Though increasingly integrated on a political level, cultural divides in Europe can be seen on both the intra- and inter-national levels. CDE will examine the origin and development of these divisions, and consider the impact they have on economic, political and societal relations on the continent. Through carefully selected case studies and workshops, the CDE will then encourage the participants to explore the role Cultural Diplomacy can play in addressing these cultural divisions.

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Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (23 – 27 February 2009)

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) was developed to fill the urgent need for cultural diplomacy on the African continent. There are a range of serious challenges confronting Africa today, from violent conflict to HIV Aids. In addressing these problems the individual African states must work closely and constructively with each other, and also with external influences. CDA will consider how Cultural Diplomacy can help to strengthen relations between different cultural groups within Africa, will highlight and look at examples of initiatives that currently exist in this area, and will encourage discussions on the role that external influences can, and should, place in the development of Africa. The Forum will produce a dynamic, informed group of individuals with the desire and necessary skills to organize their own follow-up initiatives in this area.

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