BLOX og ZÜBLIN: Stål og beton bag facaden


Foto: BLOX

Entreprenørvirksomheden Züblin inviterer indenfor i maskinrummet på BLOX. Byggeriet er på nuværende tidspunkt i en fase, hvor det stadig er muligt at se stål- og betonkonstruktionerne. Züblin giver adgang til en eksklusiv skare, der denne dag får en unik mulighed for at komme helt tæt på konstruktionen i dette imponerende byggeri.

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Hvordan anvendes 3D koordineringen i konstruktionen af stål og beton? Hvordan får man design og virkelighed til at mødes? Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, vi får svar på, når Züblin åbner for maskinrummet og fortæller om udfordringer og løsninger med stål- og betonkonstruktionen i det komplekse byggeri som BLOX repræsenterer. Vi får belyst processen, får en præsentation af stålkonstruktionen og besøger byggepladsen inden konstruktionerne bliver skjult af facader og interiør.

Arrangementet begynder med præsentationer i Realdania By & Bygs showroom.

Herefter fortsætter vi ud på byggepladsen.

Arrangementet foregår på Engelsk.

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Oplæg ved:

  • Project director, Jan Mangelsen
  • Senior Project Manager, Claus Baumann
  • BIM Engineer, Asbjørn Shannon, og Trade Package Manager, Konstantin Rembarz (3D koordinering)
  • Senior Project Manager, Brynjolf Hoffmeyer Jørgensen (stålkonstruktion)

Sprout: sat-lab #1

Utilising existing potentials. How do we adapt and design urban spaces and buildings that encourage physical movement? Find out on this first full-day ‘Saturday-Lab’ workshop for Sprout participants.


Photo: Mountain Bike Skills Park, Seattle, USA, Søren Nordal Enevoldsen

When new urban areas and buildings are developed, typically we start from scratch. But what would happen if we instead utilised existing buildings, spaces and resources? On this first full-day ‘Saturday-Lab’ Sprout-participants from different disciplines will collaborate to develop new concepts for exploring and exploiting the city’s non-spaces.

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Søren Enevoldsen

Søren Nordal Enevoldsen, Architect MAA and Founder of SNE Architects
Søren will be our guide through the process of identifying unexploited potentials hidden in cities’ junk spaces. Apart from working as an architect, Søren has been a passionate skater for several years and he therefore takes a special interest in finding new spaces to explore and utilise.

Christoffer Nielsen

Christopher Nielsen, engineer, teacher and co-founder of the workshop ‘Vrkstedet Maker Spaces’
Christopher will lead and inspire our work with prototyping our own concepts aimed at urban development. Previously, Christopher worked with windfarm development all over Europe and now he is a passionate ‘Maker’, a digital manufacturing teacher at KEA and the owner of the largest member based maker space in the city. The long-term aim of the Lab is to identify places and spaces that possess a beauty of their own while simultaneously challenging our perception of these and the way we use them. Our environment should encourage us to challenge our interaction with urban settings – this is a key factor in creating social sustainability.

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10:00 AM: Introduction to methodology, tools and inspiration
11:00 AM: City safari by bike
12:30 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: Site analysis
2:00 PM: Concept development
4:00 PM: Prototype workshop
7:30 PM: Vernisage
8:00 PM: Chill out & beers


Photo: Hullet, Copenhagen, Søren Nordal Enevoldsen


At DAC we believe that an interdisciplinary approach is key to develop sustainable and innovative solutions for the challenges of tomorrow. With Sprout we offer students and young professionals within the fields of architecture, construction and urban development an innovative, international platform for developing strong competencies and improving cross-field collaborations.

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