Call for Papers

University of Glasgows postgraduate journal eSharp søger internationale bidrag. Kandidatstuderende og ph.d.-studerende fra alle humanistiske og samfundsfaglige fag er velkomne til at indsende et abstract (jf. Call for Papers nedenfor). Abstract og artikel skal være på engelsk. Publikationen er peer-reviewed af andre kandidat- og ph.d.-studerende. Vi glæder os til at høre fra folk! CfP må gerne sendes videre.

Call for Papers:
‘Rise and Fall’
eSharp Issue 25, June 2017
Submissions and enquiries should be sent to
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 09 January 2017


Postgraduate students (Master’s students and PhD students) are invited to submit an article for possible inclusion in the eSharp journal on the theme of ‘Rise and Fall’.

eSharp is an international online journal for postgraduate research in the arts, humanities, social sciences and education. Based at the University of Glasgow and run entirely by postgraduate students, it aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the realm of academic publishing for emerging academics, including postgraduates and recent postdoctoral students. Applicants will have the opportunity to have their work blind reviewed by two peers before publication.

‘Rise and Fall’

In a year noted for loss, conflict, antagonism and resistance, the theme for the twenty-fifth issue of eSharp is ‘Rise and Fall’. We invite applicants to explore themes around rising above, an arising, falling behind, falling under and positions of stasis amidst surges and declines. Subjects for papers might consider the following: the rise and/or fall of an idea, figure, narrative or structure; the rise and/or fall of right and/or left wing politics; the rise of extremism; the rise of barriers (physical, technological, linguistic or otherwise); the fall of ideologies, states, cities or social models; the destruction of cultural heritage; artistic arisings; or the poetics of rise and fall.

Topics may include, but need not be limited to:

  • Grassroots activism
  • Empire history
  • Oppression/resistance
  • Feminism
  • Welfare system/human rights
  • Climate change/ecology
  • Subaltern voices
  • Political, religious and intellectual movements
  • Decadence
  • Antagonism/dissidence
  • Apocalypse/utopia narratives



All articles should adhere to the word limit (4,000-6,000 words) and be submitted with a bibliography listing all works cited (not works consulted). These should be made in Word document or RTF format. In addition, please include a 250-300 word abstract of your argument, and a list of 3-5 keywords to indicate the subject area of your article. You should include a short sentence detailing your year of study and research interests. Successful candidates will be notified by Monday 23 January, and may be asked to make the relevant editorial changes in order to qualify for publication within a specific time-frame.

A full list of guidelines and our style sheet is available at
Deadline for Abstracts: Monday 09 January 2017

Deadline for Full Paper: Monday 27 February 2017

For all enquiries and comments please contact:

Kind Regards,
The Editors