SønDok: When Castro Seized the Hilton

When Castro Seized the Hilton
Søndag den 4. oktober kl. 14:30 i Cinemateket. Entré 25 kroner

When Castro Seized the Hilton er en fascinerende fortælling om revolutionen på Cuba. Historien er centreret om det Hilton hotel, der blev revolutionens epicenter og et af de mest betydningsfulde symboler på Cubas omvæltning.

SunDoc: Ada Gallery

SunDoc is a screening series of international documentaries followed by a Q&A. For this edition of SunDoc we are showing the Belarusian Ada Gallery. Director Uladzimir Kolas will be present for the screening and afterwards answer the audience’s questions.

Time, place and tickets for SunDoc
The screening of Ada Gallery starts at 14:00 on February 15. It is in Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, Copenhagen.

You can order tickets for SunDoc at Cinemateket on phone +45 3374 3412. Tickets are 25 DKK and are available from February 1st.

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