Alt_Cph11 Encounters
For sixth consecutive year Copenhagen’s alternative art fair provides the setting for an intense and direct meeting between local and international artist-run organizations and exhibition spaces. The fair has, since its inception, acted as a non-commercial platform for the self-organizing art scene by creating new networks and relationships.

Independent exhibition spaces and self-organised organisations often operate as exchanging networks and interactive entities rather than established rooms – and leave the gallery. The fair will present initiatives concerned with the intersection of art, design and architecture spanning over participatory, location- and situation-specific projects. Alt_cph11 Encounters will focus on public space and the activity of the individual in the local environment in relation to the global. The program will include presentations by all participants, projects and activities in the local environment around The Factory as well as debates and events questioning the relationship between space and action, art and life.

The debate series will explore the dramatic changes in the global economic, political, cultural, and environmental climates we are collectively enduring. The bleak future that neoliberal conservative politicians are constructing out of these changes will be discussed. The rise of socially and politically engaged art practices and how they are addressing a range of issues will be explored. Among the topics to consider are the failures and cracks in welfare states and the opportunities they give rise to; articulating possible worlds that are concrete alternatives to life under the brutal strictures of global capital; and positing ways of being public as ones we know constrict and disappear.

The fair is curated by artistic director Anja Franke and communicator Marie Bruun Yde from the artist-run organization Instant HERLEV Institute,

See full programme at


Alt_Cph11 Encounters søger frivillige kunsthistoriestuderende

Alt_Cph11 Encounters søger tre frivillige kunsthistoriestuderende fra d. 1. august til tre kunstprojekter fra USA. Jeres opgave vil være at tilvaretage kommunikationen med kunstnerene, herunder svare på spørgsmål om stedet, konteksten etc., samt være med når de ankommer, og assistere i forbindelse med installationen af kunstprojekterne.

Lidt om messen:

Alt_Cph er den årlige alternative kunstmesse for kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder på Fabrikken for Kunst og Design. Hvert år tænkes og kurateres den på ny i forhold til relevante temaer og indgangsvinkler. I år vil fokus være på det offentlige rum og hermed forbundet kunstnerisk handling. Alt_Cph11 Encounters vil som en tredages messe d. 16.-18. september 2011 danne et mødested, hvor der skabes nye netværk og dialog mellem alternative kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder og organisationer. Begivenheden skal indgå aktivt og i udveksling med det omkringliggende lokalmiljø.

Messen kurateres af kunstnerisk leder Anja Franke og formidler Marie Bruun Yde fra den kunstnerdrevne udstillingsorganisation Instant HERLEV Institute

Hvis du er interesseret, så send en email til Anja,

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig.


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