Arrangementer Københavns Hovedbibliotek / juni 2023

MÅNEDENS FORFATTER / Eva Tind (22. juni)

Kig forbi Københavns Hovedbibliotek, når Eva Tind optræder som MÅNEDENS FORFATTER. Eva Tind er netop nu aktuel med den anmelderroste roman ”Citronbjerget”, der handler om kvinden Sui, som uden helt at kunne forklare hvorfor forlader sin mand. Og da hun modtager et brev om, at hendes ukendte bedstefar har ladet hende arve en hytte på Citronbjerget, beslutter hun sig for at rejse fra Danmark til Korea. Der er fri adgang til arrangementet og alle er velkomne.

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Teater FÅR302 søger kommunikationspraktikant i efterårssemestret 2023

Er du interesseret i kunst og kultur og studerende ved en videregående uddannelse? Og vil du gerne have praktisk erfaring med kulturformidling? Så vil du få rigtig meget ud af et praktikforløb på Teater FÅR302. I praktikperioden kommer du omkring alle aspekter af markedsføringen og kommunikationen af Københavns vildeste, hyggeligste og mest intense teater i samarbejde med en af branchens dygtigste kulturformidlere. Ansøgningsfrist 10. juni.

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Ansøgningsfrist: 23-04-2023

Som studentermedhjælper på Den Danske Scenekunstskole (DDSKS) bliver du en del af en levende uddannelses- og kulturinstitution, der aldrig står stille. Vi kan tilbyde et spændende studiejob, hvor du får indsigt i den administrative understøttelse af skolens kunstneriske uddannelser og erfaring med arbejdet i en politisk styret organisation.

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Studerende søges til omviserkorps på Medicinsk Museion

Medicinsk Museion søger tre studentermedhjælpere (HK) til at indgå i vores dygtige korps af omvisere i museets udstillinger. Jobbet er alsidigt og udfordrende. Du skal overvejende være omviser i vores udstillinger og dermed en central del af museets ansigt udadtil.

Er du interesseret i stillingen, beder vi dig sende en elektronisk ansøgning senest den 9. maj 2023.

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Arrangementer hos Center for Applied Ecological Thinking

Talk med Martin Savransky

Talk med Martin Savransky, hvor han vil tale om: Planetary Outsides – Cosmopolitan Imagination and the Colonisation of the Earth (28 Apr. 2023, 10:00-12:00 på Søndre Campus)

Savranskys beskrivelse af talken lyder således: “While social and political thinkers today call (yet again) for renewed forms of cosmopolitan solidarity and a cosmopolitics of relations to compose a good common world for a planetary age, in this talk Martin Savransky raises some inconvenient questions concerning the co-implications of the cosmopolitan imagination and the colonisation of the earth.”

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Du kan også finde facebook-begivenhed for arrangementet her:

CApE Festival

Ny festival under navnet: CApE Festival: Klimakrise og verdensomsorg

Hele programmet for festivalen kan ses her:

Festivalen er en humanistisk festival, der vil foregå fra d. 1. – 4. maj, om aktivisme og følelser, pædagogik og bæredygtighed, æstetik og økologi. Vi har inviteret forskere, praktikere, kunstnere og aktivister til at deltage i festivalen, da klimakrisen kalder på nye samtaler og samarbejder på tværs af fagfelter og discipliner.

Internship at In futurum

We are looking for an intern who can join us during the Fall semester, starting in August or September. Deadline for your application is April 21st.
About In futurum 
We are a strategic consultancy and change-making agency that operates in the cross-section between sustainability, justice, and diversity & inclusion. We primarily work with projects and players within culture, arts, retail, fashion, design, food and the built environment. We work with private companies, industry organizations and public institutions, do research projects and facilitate, moderate and participate in public conversations on the agendas we work on.   

We are looking for interns who want to become part of our team. Our working environment is deeply important to us; we care for each other and for our workplace as a place where we feel home and have created a safe and relaxing physical space to work in. We always eat a good and healthy lunch, which we are all responsible for. 
Your interests & academic profile 
You can study both at a bachelor’s- or master’s level. Your interests and academic profile could be within communication, sociology, anthropology, gender studies, business studies, political science, or something similar – but most importantly, you’re deeply engaged in topics concerning the future of our planet and the diverse people and cultures that inhabit it. You want to be part of a small team driven by feminist, queer, anti-racist and norm-critical practices where we challenge conventions of capitalism and consumption and address the need for holistic, sustainable change in our work with businesses, organizations, cultural institutions, and political actors.  

Ideally, we’d like an intern that can contribute to our work within one or two of these key areas – please specify which area(s) suits your profile in your application:  

  • Research: You’re a solid detective that wants to contribute to a broad range of projects by doing interdisciplinary and cross-sectional research that can inform our consultancy, our strategic development for clients and solidify many of our new areas of interest.  
  • DEI: You want to contribute to our consultancy on topics centered around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and be part of the ongoing development of our methodology, our outreach and our external communication on these topics. We expect you to know what intersectionality means – then we will teach you how to turn that into engaging work with clients.  
  • Environmental Justice: Global inequality is a key focus area across our work. We’re working on a range of projects focused on environmental justice, specifically in a European context. Here, an understanding of (geo)political structures and institutions, of colonial and political history or of global development systems might be handy.  
  • Circular economy & sustainability: You’re deeply engaged in the circular transition and want to contribute to projects and partnerships where we work closely with companies and organizations to drive circular and sustainable perspectives in developing business models, products, life cycles, and more.  
  • Communication: You want to help us communicate our projects, our vision and do think-pieces, columns, press work and more to position and push our small company on a bigger scale. Here, your writing skills are key to your success. 

Your position 
As we are a small team you will be working closely together with all four of us, Frederik, Moussa, Marie and Jessica. You will get close to daily operations and become a natural part of our daily life. You will be working on tasks that fit your interest and profile and will get the opportunity to work on one or more projects, and some more on a day-to-day basis. You will have your own desk and share office space with our colleague, Marie. 
As you will be working with both Danish and English-speaking clients, the ability to communicate professionally in both languages is a must. Please note that our office is located on the first floor of an old building without an elevator. The internship must be at least four months and is unpaid. Therefore, it must be a part of your education, so that you will receive ECTS-points.  
Kindly note that applications will be reviewed continuously, and interviews conducted on an ongoing basis. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 
Questions and / or applications are sent to 

Call for bidrag til Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur

Sjette udgave af Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur har temaet Kunsten i arkitekturen. Titlen rummer en dobbelthed: På den ene side kunsten som en autonom tilføjelse til arkitekturen, eller hvad man kunne kalde værket-i-værket. På den anden side kunsten som den integrerede betydningsbærende dimension i den arkitektoniske idé, altså det kunstneriske i arkitekturen selv.

Frist for forslag til bidrag: 8. maj 2023.

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Kulturbureauet ADBC søger kommunikationspraktikant til efterårssemesteret ’23

Bliv en del af det hold, der hvert år stabler festivalerne Bloom og Golden Days på benene.

Vil du være med til at udvikle den digitale profil i et af Danmarks førende huse inden for kommunikation, konceptudvikling og formidling af kultur og videnskab? Er du en skarp formidler og drømmer du om at inspirere og engagere en bred kulturinteresseret målgruppe på tværs af platforme?

Så kan du netop nu søge stillingen som kommunikationspraktikant hos ADBC, der blandt andet står bag de to festivaler Golden Days og Bloom, Robert Prisen samt ungdomskulturugen K7.

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