Kommende arrangementer – Hovedbiblioteket MAJ

Læs mere om arrangementerne på https://bibliotek.kk.dk/bibliotek/hovedbiblioteket/arrangementer.

Bag om bøgerne / Onsdag d. 8.5, kl. 17.30
Bliv klogere på bøgernes vej fra idé, over skriveproces, til udgivelse, når vi bevæger os ind i forfatternes og redaktørernes værksteder.

Med forfatter Viggo Bjerring og redaktør Christel Sunesen

Glenn Bech taler om maskulinitet / mandag d. 13.5 kl. 17.30
Hør Glenn Bech tale om maskulinitet og bliv inspireret til at tænke med.

Månedens debutant: Linea Maja Ernst / Onsdag d. 15.5, kl. 17.30
Kulturjournalisten debuterer med satirisk og humoristisk roman om millennial-generationen og livet og venskaberne i 30’erne.

Barsel og bøger: Opmærksomhedstyveriet / Fredag d. 17.5, kl. 10 OBS: Billet nødvendig (gratis via Billetto)
Tag baby på armen, og hør digital medieanalytiker Camilla Mehlsen tale om, hvordan du kan navigere i en verden, hvor forældre bliver smartphoneforældre, og skærmene bliver en del af selv de helt små børns liv.

Bag om Europa: Fremtidens landbrug / Torsdag 23.5 kl. 17.30 OBS: Billet nødvendig (50 kr. via Billetto)

Hvad er status for landbrugets grønne omstilling, hvordan ser verden ud med landbrugsbriller både herhjemme og i Europa og hvad skal der til for at skabe bæredygtige fødevaresystemer i fremtiden?


  • Ditte Marie Brasso Sørensen fra Tænketanken Europa
  • Rasmus Hage Dalland, forfatter til ‘Jordbundet’, hvor han observerer hvordan klimakrisen og omstillingen af landbruget opleves konkret i hverdagen af dem, som skal omsætte i praksis – nemlig landmændene.
  • Jens Smærup Sørensen, forfatter til ‘Evigt i tiden’, omkring landbrugets udvikling i Danmark i tre historiske perioder; nemlig den enevældige konges landboreformer i 1790’erne, højskolernes og andelsbevægelsens storhedsperiode sidst i 1800-tallet, og i nutiden med industrielle fødevareproducenter og en klimakrise.
  • Jørgen Steen Nielsen, klimajournalist på Dagbladet Information, moderere

Are you our next intern?

?? English text below ??

Brænder du for kunst, fotografi, udstillings- og/eller festivalplanlægning? Er du nysgerrig, åben, selvstændig og struktureret? Copenhagen Photo Festival er på udkig efter praktikanter, der kan byde ind med faglighed, kreative indspark og lyst til at engagere sig i forberedelserne og afviklingen af næste års festival i juni!

Læs mere her: https://copenhagenphotofestival.com/praktik-internship-2024-2/

Copenhagen Photo Festival is looking for interns who can offer creative input, professionalism and who loves to get involved! As an intern with us, you will have a share in the realization of a widespread cultural event in Copenhagen with a large number of partners and a wide range of activities. You will gain in-depth experience with event production from A to Z and be equipped to be able to take part in independent projects in the future. 

Read more at: https://kukua.dk/wp-admin/post.php?post=36772&action=edit

Internship at 2112

Are you interested in contemporary art and sales, communication, and marketing within the art world? Then you are the one we are looking for.

2112 is a Copenhagen based hybrid gallery embracing art advisory, artist representation, international collaborations and more.

As an intern at 2112, you will assist our small team with daily assignments including registration and documentation, maintenance of artist CVs and biographies, maintenance of database and website, SoMe content creation, communication with customers as well as ad hoc assignments. Furthermore, you will be assisting with communication and coordination in relation to exhibitions, events, and art fairs.

Knowledge of photography and editing is preferred, but not a requirement.

The internship will preferably be from mid-August, 2024 to mid-January, 2025 and 2-3 days per week, but we are flexible in regards to both the period and hours.

The internship is required to be arranged according to the guidelines for credit awarding internships. The internship is unpaid.

Send a 1-page application and CV by Monday, May 6 to contact@null2112.dk. Interviews will be held Monday, May 13. If you have any questions regarding the internship, please call Caroline Bøge (2681 5221) or Cecilie Aaby (5122 2510).  

We look forward to hearing from you!

Antikke klassikere til samtiden

Tirsdag 12. marts er der et arrangement om oversættelse af antikke klassikere i forbindelse med forestillingen LOVELY CHEEKS DISSOLVED IN TEARS – Penelopes Odyssé; 10 Nye Sange fra Sovekammeret på AFUK Scene. Her mødes komptaniet Out of Balanz og Tigermor med oversætter og lektor i klassiske studier Marcel Lysgaard LechDer er gratis adgang til talken for alle med billet til forestillingen.

Læs mere på https://www.facebook.com/events/717737463807321.


Are you interested in contemporary art and sales, communication, and marketing within the art world? Then you are the one we are looking for.

2112 started in 2016 as 2112 Art Advisory. In the fall of 2020, the company changed its name to 2112, reflecting its structure as a hybrid gallery, which includes consulting, artist representation, international collaborations, and more. Since 2019, 2112 has had a showroom in Copenhagen’s Northwest quarter, but has recently moved into new premises in the heart of Copenhagen at Holbergsgade 20.

As an intern at 2112, you will assist our small team with daily assignments including registration and documentation, maintenance of artist CVs and biographies, maintenance of website, SoMe content creation, communication with customers as well as ad hoc assignments. Furthermore, you will be assisting with communication and coordination in relation to exhibitions, events, and art fairs.

Knowledge of photography and editing is preferred, but not a requirement.

The internship will preferably be from February – June, 2024 and 2-3 days per week, but we are flexible in regards to both period and hours.

The internship is unpaid, but can be arranged according to the guidelines for credit awarding internships.

Send a 1-page application and CV no later than Thursday, January 18 to contact@null2112.dk. If you have any questions regarding the internship, please call gallery owner Caroline Bøge, 2681 5221 or gallery manager Cecilie Aaby, 5122 2510. 

We look forward to hearing from you!