Are you our next intern?

?? English text below ??

Brænder du for kunst, fotografi, udstillings- og/eller festivalplanlægning? Er du nysgerrig, åben, selvstændig og struktureret? Copenhagen Photo Festival er på udkig efter praktikanter, der kan byde ind med faglighed, kreative indspark og lyst til at engagere sig i forberedelserne og afviklingen af næste års festival i juni!

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Copenhagen Photo Festival is looking for interns who can offer creative input, professionalism and who loves to get involved! As an intern with us, you will have a share in the realization of a widespread cultural event in Copenhagen with a large number of partners and a wide range of activities. You will gain in-depth experience with event production from A to Z and be equipped to be able to take part in independent projects in the future. 

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