Invitiation to an art event: Unsettling the settled

On Wednesday November 17 we invite you to join us for: ‘Unsettling the settled’ – an event with film screenings of artworks by artists Onyeka Igwe, Jeannette Ehlers, Eva la Cour and Tinne Zenner followed by artists talks and a moderated conversation between the artists on challenging the ideas of heritage and the archive. The event is kindly hosted by Til Vægs – Lundtoftegade.

Unsettling the settled is an event with film screenings of artworks by artists Onyeka Igwe, Jeannette Ehlers, Eva la Cour and Tinne Zenner followed by artist talks and a debate between the artists on challenging the ideas of heritage and the historical archive.

Onyeka Igwe is an artist and researcher working between cinema and installation. She will be showing the film a so-called archive that imagines the ‘lost’ films from two archives situated in Lagos, Nigeria and Bristol Temple Meads in the UK. One archive reveals a colonial residue. The films are hard to see, not only because of their condition but also perhaps because people do not want to see them. The other archive is now shrouded in ignominy after the alleged illegal sale of several items from its collection, leading to its closure.

Jeannette Ehlers is a video, photo and performance artist. Her work addresses themes and questions around memory, race and colonialism inspired by her own Danish and Caribbean background. She will show the film BLACK IS A BEAUTIFUL WORD. I & I, which is an artwork that portrays 8 black women from the former Danish West Indies. It raises questions regarding the roles of the observer vs. the observed, about power and resistance as well the black female body and existence across time and space.

Visual artists Eva la Cour and Tinne Zenner have collaborated since 2017. Recurrently working with analogue film materials – partly archive material, partly their own recordings in both Greenland and Denmark. A focal point in their work is how vision is both embodied and skilled, historical and situated, and how the image of Greenland is continuously negotiated as an asset in the relationship between Greenland and Denmark.

Unsettling the settled is created by meter – an exhibition platform that pollinates other cultural institutions. For this event, Til Vægs has been kind enough to host this event. Til Vægs is a site-specific exhibition platform that has been placed in the residential area of Lundtoftegade since 2017.

Practical info:
Time: 5 pm – 9.30 pm
Place: The neighbourhood center in Lundtoftegade
Free entrance

Frivillige søges til poesifestival i København

Den tværnordiske poesifestival Opbrud leder efter frivillige til at stå i døren d.11.-12. september på LiteraturHaus og tjekke billetter. Der er tale om en-to vagter af højst fem timer.

Opbrud er en festival, der fejrer poesiens men også kunstens evne til at nærme sig det uudsigelige. Der vil være deltagelse af anerkendte digtere fra både Danmark, Sverige og Norge m.m. samt performancekunst og talks.

Som en del af vores team får du fri adgang til alle festivalens arrangementer, når du ikke står i døren – også festivalens åbningsdag på Cinemateket.

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