7 challenges to Europe – EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series

Are you interested in the EU and Europe? Do you want to learn more about political, cultural, social and legal challenges facing Europe today? Would you like to earn a diploma for your efforts? Then you should participate in the EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series!


Time: Tuesdays from 10-12 am (weeks 38, 40, 43, 46, 48, 49) plus finale week 50

Place: Alexandersalen, Bispetorv Annekset, Bispetorv 1-3, 1167 København



·       15 September – Media

Communicating Europe? Looking for a European Public Sphere

Associate Professor Mark Ørsten, RUC

·       29 September – Sovereignty

Integration or Independence? The EU and Nordic Conceptions of Parliamentary Sovereignty

Professor Marlene Wind, SOC


·       20 October – Rights

The Future of Europe of Human Rights? The Past and Future of the European Court of Human Rights

Research Associate Professor Mikael Rask Madsen, LAW


·       10 November – Culture

What Cultural Diversity? Media, Everyday Life and the Cultural Dimension of Europe

Professor Ib Bondebjerg, HUM


·       24 November – Security

Venus as Global Leader in a post-Western World? Rethinking European Security Policies

Professor Ole Wæver, SOC


·       1 December – Welfare

Social Tourism or Social Dumping? Union Citizenship, Free Mobility and Welfare Rights

Professor Kirsten Ketscher, LAW

    Attention!: The Lecture is held at Anneks A, Studiestræde 6



·       Week 50 – Future

Quo Vadis, Europa? Final Roundtable on the democracy and future of Europe

More information on this lecture will follow.


Want to earn a diploma?

The lectures are open to all, but if you would like to earn the EURECO diploma, please sign up by sending an email to sanne@nullbjeldbak-olesen.dk with your name, Faculty and email address before September 11th. We will then send more information about how to earn the diploma.


EURECO (European Research at the University of Copenhagen) aims at generating cutting-edge research on Europe and the European Union with an international impact. EURECO brings together leading researchers from the Faculties of Social Sciences, Law and Humanities at the University of Copenhagen. For more information on EURECO and the Lecture Series, please contact Rebecca Adler-Nissen at ran@nullifs.ku.dk.



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