
Danish Architecture Centre invites you to Sprout Meet #8 Talent – “What is the talented move in a digitally disturbed world?” The theme is talent and the focus is how to professionalize yourself in a world that is digitally disturbed.

The Smart City is a fairly new term that has many implications and interpretations. During the inspirational talks and discussions at Sprout Meet#8 we will take a closer look at the impact of digitalization. Copenhagen as a Smart City is much more than big data. It will be about combining digital tools in the physical space of our cities, in relation to the happiness of citizens, the efficiency of municipal services and the transformation towards a CO2-neutral capital in 2025.

Kristian Winter, Marie Partoft & Ole Smith

DATE: 19 August 2015
TIME: 16.00-18.00
LOCATION: The Event Space at Fæstningens Materialgaard, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, 1220 Kbh K
PRICE: Free but please sign up as there is limited seasts

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