Literary converstation between writer Brittani Sonnenberg and assistant professor Crista Vogelius.

plakat sonnenbergWith base in Brittani Sonnenberg’s debut novel “Home Leave”, Crista Vogelius and Brittani Sonnenberg will talk about Sonnenberg’s writing. writes following regarding Sonnenberg: “Her award-winning fiction has been widely published in magazines such as Ploughshares, anthologized in the O’Henry Short Story Prize Series, and received distinguished story recognition by Best American Short Stories”


About her debut novel, Karen Russell writes “It’s hard to believe that this astonishing novel is Brittani Sonnenberg’s first – she writes about family with wisdom, humor and native daring. Here is Persephone’s journey, undertaken by an entire family, the Kriegsteins, who ricochet through time zones, moving from Berlin to Singapore to Wisconsin to Shanghai to Atlanta, together and alone. Sonnenberg’s prose is so vital and so enchanting that you will read this book in the dilated state of a world-traveler, with all of your senses wide open. Her family members are so well-drawn and complex that you’ll close this book certain they exists”.

It will take place at The Library og Humanities on the 7th of May at 3-4 p.m.

Njalsgade 112, 2300 København S

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