MARIA TORP / THE RIDDLE / 03.10.2014

Maria Torp, The Verger, Courtesy Galleri Christoffer Egelund
MARIA TORP, The Verge, oil on canvas 60×45


MARIA TORP: THE RIDDLE / 03.10 – 01.11 2014

Galleri Christoffer Egelund er stolt af at kunne præsentere udstillingen The Riddle af den talentfulde, danske kunstner Maria Torp. The Riddle er hendes tredje soloudstilling i galleriet.

Gådefulde blikke og fortællende ansigter rækker ud mod bekueren fra Maria Torp udtryksfulde skildringer af liv in medias res. Hun skaber betagende, minutiøse portrætbilleder af mere eller mindre fiktive karakterer, hvor hvert et hårstrå, hver en blodsprængning, er omhyggeligt beskrevet med penslen.

Maria Torp arbejder ud fra den kunstneriske stilart fotorealisme, der vandt frem i 1960’ernes og 70’ernes USA som en udstikker af Pop Art. Men hendes arbejdsmetode bringer genren ad nye veje. Maleriernes fotografiske forlæg iscenesættes ud fra løsslupne, idégenererende tegninger, der er første trin i Torps arbejdsproces, hvorved hun indlægger et fabulerende element i fotografiets (formodede) nøgterne virkelighedsgengivelse. Torps tegninger er kendetegnede ved en langt større grad af abstrakion: ideerne tager forsigtigt form i det sorte blæk.

I værket The Verge ser vi en kvindes ansigt i profil, der konfronterer beskueren med et hårdt, penetrerende blik. Farverne i baggrunden virker formildende på hendes ellers hårde fremtoning, og foreslår en mere nuanceret læsning af den portrætterede Værket Restless skildrer en rygvendt kvinde, et velkendt motiv i kunsthistorien særligt kendt fra den tyske romantiske maler Caspar David Friedrich. Hovedpersonen i Torps maleri mimer Friedrichs Frau am Fenster (1822), når hun læner sig frem mod det oplyste vindue. Hvad hun ser derude ligger hen i det uvisse – måske en anden tilværelse eller en håbefuld fremtid? Værket fremviser en udlængsel fra en lejlighed, der er beskidt, vandskadet og kold. Værkets umiddelbare ro skjuler over et uroligt indre.

Maria Torp holder sig ikke slavisk til fotorealismens begrænsninger som virkelighedsskildrende genre. I en serie værker danner aflagte stykker pap fra gamle papkasser lærred for de fotorealistiske portrætter. I et af papværkerne synes en forhutlet, slidt kvinde at føje sig perfekt ind i pappets rå fremtoning. Her og der ser man et håndtag, og kunstnerens udskæringer i pappet bliver en del af det malede billede, når fx det øverste lag er skrællet af pappet for at danne striber i en bluse, eller når bølgepappet står frem som en del af ansigtet. Således fremviser malerierne deres konstruktion og bryder med den illusionisme og strenge finish, der ellers er kendetegnende for fotorealismen.

Farvebrugen er tiltider rå og overbevisende virkelighedsnær og i andre værker holdt i næsten overvirkeligt glossede pasteltoner. Torps fotorealistiske malerier lægger op til nysgerrig søgen efter et menneskets identitet ud fra den fysiske fremtoning, ikke mindst ansigtets. Torp inviterer os til at forsøge at løse gåden: hvem er dette menneske foran mig?

Maria Torp (f. 1975) bor og arbejder i København. Hun tog afgang fra det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi i 2007 og har tidligere studeret ved London College of Printing. Hun har deltaget i flere gruppeudstillinger på gallerier, museer, kunsthaller, kunstmesser national og international og er netop udstillingsaktuelt på gruppeudstillingen “10.000 timer – hvad er talent ?” på Trapholt. Derudover har hun lavet udsmykningsopgaver til bl.a. FTF, Ferring, Velux Fonden og TrygVesta og udgør ligeledes en tredjedel af kunstnertrioen MAM sammen med kunstnerne Anika Lori og Mette Geisler.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer dig til fernisering på Maria Torp: The Riddle fredag den 3. oktober kl. 17-20. Kunstneren vil være til stede ved åbningen. Udstillingen vises frem til den 1. november 2014. Åbningstider: mandag-fredag kl. 11-18, lørdag kl. 12-16. For yderligere informationer om udstillingen samt pressefotos, kontakt venligst galleriet på: eller på +45 33 93 92 00.


MARIA TORP: THE RIDDLE / 03.10 – 01.11 2014

Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly presents the third solo exhibition with the talented Danish artist Maria Torp: The Riddle.

Mysterious stares and tell-tale faces confronts the viewer of Maria Torps photorealistic portrayals of lives in medias res. She creates fascinating, minute portraits of more og less fictive characters, with every strand of hair, every imperfection meticulously accentuated.

Maria Torp works in the tradition of the art form photorealism that gained ground in the USA of the 1960s and 70s as an offshot of Pop Art. But her working method takes the art form in new directions. The photographs, from which the pieces are painted, are staged on the basis of unrestained, idea generating drawings which forms the first step of the artist’s triadic working proces. This proces ensures the paintings a dreamlike element unfamiliar to the photograph’s (assumed) objective description of reality. Torp’s drawings are characterised by greater abstraction: the artistic ideas are formed in the black ink.

In the piece The Verge a woman’s face is seen in profile, confronting the viewer with a firm, penetrating gaze. The colours of the background seems to appease her tough appearance and suggest the possibility of a softer side to the woman portrayed. The artwork Restless depicts a woman with her back to the viewer, a motif not unfamiliar to the history of art, especially associated with the German romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich. The protagonist of Torp’s painting mimics Friedrich’s Frau am Fenster (1822) when she leans towards the illuminated window. What she sees out there remains uncertain – perhaps a different way of life or a dream of a hopeful future? The piece presents a longing to go abroad and away from an appartment that seems dirty, water damaged and cold. The tranquility of the scene conceals an inner restlessness.

Maria Torp does not slavishly follow the limits of photorealism as a reality depicting genre. In a series of artworks she uses cast-off pieces of cardboard boxes as canvases for her photorealistic portraits. One of the pieces shows a ragged woman who seems to fit in perfectly with the raw look of the cardboard. Here and there handles show in the cardboard canvases, and the artist’s carvings in the cardboard becomes part of the motifs as patterns of a shirt or as part of a face. In this way the paintings demonstrates their construction and breaks the illusionism and strict finish normally associated with photorealism.

The colours in the art of Maria Torp are some times rough and convincingly realistic and at other times almost more real than reality with their glossy notes of pastel. They are appeasing to the eye. But the artworks of Torp are so much more than that. The pieces prepare the ground for inquisitive search for a person’s identity or story in the physical appearance, especially that of the face. Torp invites us to try and solve the riddle: who is this person in front of me?

Maria Torp (1975) lives and works in Copenhagen, Danmark. She graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2007 and has previously studied at the London College of Printing. Torp has exhibited her works in several galleries, museums, art institutions, art fairs national and internationel and are currently a part of the group exhibition “10.000 Hours – What is Talent?” at Tropholt Modern Museum of Art. Furthermore she has made commissioned work for corporations such as FTF, Tryg, Ferring and at the Velux Foundation and is co-founder of the artist trio MAM, with the artists Anika Lori and Mette Geisler.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund cordially invites you to the opening of Maria Torp: The Riddle on Friday the 3rd of October from 17-20. The exhibition will run until November the 1st, 2014. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photographs, please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00.

Forfatter: Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Gallery Christoffer Egelund is a cutting-edge art gallery focusing on high quality Scandinavian and international contemporary art. An experimental and innovative approach is an important agenda, to constantly challenge the boundaries of the gallery and the art scene itself. The gallery exhibits artworks with a large variety of media e.g. works on paper, photos, paintings, sculptures, performance and video - a unique artistic expression is of most importance. The presented artists have received great recognition from curators, collectors, museums and critics and have been displayed in important collections, Biennials, Art fairs, Art Museums and galleries around the world. The main target for the gallery is to create memorable exhibitions and to further the careers of emerging contemporary artists by curating exhibitions, participating in art fairs and biennales worldwide. Gallery Christoffer Egelund was established in 2005 by the owner and director Christoffer M. Egelund and is located in the historical old part of Copenhagen with 300m2 exhibition space and high ceiling. The area has many contemporary galleries, The National Gallery of Denmark, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Art institutes and The Danish Art Council makes this area one of the most important contemporary art scenes in Denmark. The gallery is a member of Danish Art Dealers Association (DGS) since 2006.

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