IKK Artist Talk: Joasia Krysa


IKK Artist Talk w. Joasia Krysa:

Who wants to be a Curator?

Speculations on contemporary curating as inspired by three case studies: KURATOR, dOCUMENTA (13), Kunsthal Aarhus.

In her talk, curator and researcher Joasia Krysa discusses ideas and questions that inspire her work, and how they are articulated for various contexts in which she finds herself working: from traditional art gallery, to large scale periodic exhibition, to online research platform. What makes curating a trendy proposition; what are the contemporary organisational structures within which curating takes place; and how does the figure of the curator unfold in these scenarios; what is suggested when we think about curating in relation to technology – computer programming, algorithms and networks; what links the practice of curating and questions of knowledge, or in other words, when the curatorial becomes a mode of research? The talk considers these issues in the context of three projects: KURATOR, dOCUMENTA (13), and Kunsthal Aarhus.

Joasia Krysa is a curator, researcher and writer. She is founding director of KURATOR, founding editor of the Data Browser book series, and since 2012 Artistic Director of Kunsthal Aarhus. She was part of the curatorial team for dOCUMENTA (13); and has been involved with WRO Media Art Biennale / WRO Foundation in various roles since 1995.

Time & place: Thursday 18 April 16.00-17.00, room 16.2.07 (KUA 2)

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