ART HUB COPENHAGEN & The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts invites Jamillah James (US), Curator, Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and Co-Curator, 2021 New Museum Triennial

Wednesday the 30th of October 2019 – 6.00 pm at Art Hub Copenhagen
Halmtorvet 27, 1700 Copenhagen

Art Hub Copenhagen and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen are pleased to present a talk by Jamillah James. James is a Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and is also curating the 2021 New Museum Triennial together with New Museum Curator Margot Norton (US).

This talk is part of newly established effort by Art Hub Copenhagen to foster a public forum for critical perspectives in the field of contemporary art through presentations by artists, curators and thinkers. This talk is also the first step of a new collaborative format to be launched in 2020 and developed by Art Hub Copenhagen Director Helga Christoffersen and Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Simon Dybbroe Møller.

For more info see FB event:

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