Welcome Series #2 Art Hub Copenhagen

Art Hub is excited to host a conversation on institutional methodology and curatorial work that addresses the potentials and needs of art scenes on the periphery.

Art Hub Copenhagen is pleased to welcome curator Nicola Trezzi, Director and Chief Curator of Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel, Jadwiga Charzynska, Director of Laznia Centre For Contemporary Art, Gdansk and Irina Chmyreva, Co-Founder and Artistic Director of PhotoVisa, Russia’s largest international photography festival outside Moscow.

Each are presenting programs and visions that guide their current work and offers insight into ambitious international institutions who all respond to and are in close dialogue with their respective local artistic communities.

See event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/2453251661431929/

Please RSVP: at tilmelding@nullarthubcopenhagen.dk

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