Random Rants – spoken word performance

Teatermuseet i Hofteatret præsenterer:

Random Rants – spoken word performance

         af den internationalt anerkendte performance artist Jörn J. Burmester

Torsdag 9. Juni kl. 15 – Teatermuseet i Hofteatret, Christiansborg Ridebane 18 (bag Christiansborg)

Gratis adgang – også til at besøge museet før forestillingen fra kl. 14

– tilmelding muligt på info@nullteatermuseet.dk 


Random Rants is a new solo performance art series by Berlin based performance artists Jörn J. Burmester. The rather broad subject is “everything that is wrong with the world”. The aim of the performances is to create spaces to vent anger and frustration in playful and humorous ways for both the performer and his audience. Subjects can include everything that annoys us, from political short sightedness through economical injustice to plain nerve wrecking stupidity in everyday life. The piece will encourage controversy as well as laughing in the face of disaster.

With Random Rants  Burmester continues his practice of working with chance operations and visual performative actions, more specifically randomising pre-produced text during the performance itself. These elements will be combined with spontaneous ranting that will be generated during the show.

 “Random Rants is a spoken word piece about everything that is wrong with the world.

Come and experience the liberating force of ranting and raving about anything

that gets on your nerves.”


Random Rants på Teatermuseet I Hofteatret er en uafhængig fortsættelse af den præmierede performance, Jörn J. Burmester opførte foran Museet for Samtidskunst I Roskilde i sidste weekend af maj under ACTS – Festival for Performativ Kunst. Random Rants er blevet til som led I Burmesters ophold som DIVA artist in residence ved Liveart.dk.


Deltag i udviklingen af Random Rants på Facebook – søg Jörn J. Burmester


Direktør Peter Christensen Teilmann

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