Nikolaj Kunsthal d. 7. april kl 17: X’s and Why’s An evening of performances by and about ex-lovers hosted by Mathias Kryger

Nikolaj Kunsthal d. 7. april kl 17:

Nikolaj Extended: X’s and Why’s An evening of performances by and about ex-lovers

Mathias Kryger er vært ved aftenens program bestående af performances og oplæsninger, som tematiserer de forhold, der forliste. Aftenen foregår på dansk og engelsk.

Entré til arrangementet: 20 kr (giver samtidig adgang til den aktuelle udstilling)

Mere om projektet på engelsk:

X’s and Why’s – an evening of performances by and about ex-lovers.
With Bjørn Rasmussen, Kevin Murphy and Trygve Luktvasslimo.

This event of 1 reading and 1 performance that both address those relationships lost at sea is curated and hosted by Mathias Kryger.


Reading: Bjørn Rasmussen (b. 1983, DK)
Bjørn Rasmussen is a new star on the writers’ night sky and will graduate from Forfatterskolen (The Danish Academy for Creative Writing) this summer. This afternoon he will read from the text corpus “Abba” [“Father” (Hebrew)].
In his readings, Bjørn Rasmussen turns more towards the performative than the act of solely representing his texts in the voiced word, and thereby making the reading itself as much a part of the text as are the words written on the paper.
The reading is in English and Danish.

Performance: “Water under burning Bridges” by Kevin Murphy (b. 1977, US/DE) and Trygve Luktvasslimo (b. 1978, NO/DE)
Kevin Murphy and Trygve Luktvasslimo both hold M.F.A.’s from Malmö Art Academy, Sweden. The two artists don’t usually work as a duo but have previously worked together with the performances “A Shot in the Dark” at Berghain Kantine, Berlin (2007) and “Black Diamonds aren’t forever”, HAU 1, Berlin (2009).
“Water under burning Bridges“ is a new piece, produced especially for this night.
The artists about the framework for Water under burning Bridges:
“The break-up is personal and signals a poetic and unstable dimension. It is both calculative thinking and irrational hysteria, and reminds you that the break-up is simply looking at the illusion from a different angle. It’s the end of a romantic dream, something that was always already destined.Despite our nihilism, we are investigating a constructive approach to the severing of ties, teamwork and pleasure, possibly locating a powerful subversiveness in the rift. A part of you is forever lost, a part of you has forever changed and you probably have to go on a diet. “
The performance is in English.

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