Artist Talk: SPARTACUS CHETWYND (UK), 28 January 2011, 6.30pm at IMO


Artist Talk
28 January 2011, 6.30pm

This Friday British artist Spartacus Chetwynd will give an informal talk about her work at IMO. Chetwynd is best known for her eclectic performances involving her performing troupe of mainly friends and family, but she also works in video, sculpture and painting. Drawing together many disparate sources from popular culture to epic narratives her work, whatever the medium, introduces an element of the carnivalesque into everyday life.

Recent solo shows and projects include ‘Money’, Witte de With, Rotterdam (2009), ‘The Snail Race’, Massimo dex Carlo Gallery, Milan (2008), ‘Help! I’m Trapped in a Muzuzah Factory’, Le Consortium, Dijon (2008) and ‘The Humanzee Theatre Company. Presents Giotto’s Play‘,  Migros Museum, Zurich (2007).

Forthcoming performance in Copenhagen: A Tax Heaven Run by Women (2010), Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 5 March 2011

This talk is presented in collaboration with Kunsthal Charlottenborg and Line Ellegaard.
Supported by the British Council

For more information contact IMO: +45 33 79 72  72 or

Ny Carlsberg Vej 68 OG
DK-1760 Copenhagen
+ 45 3048 7324

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