Tisdag den. 4. maj 2010 kl. 13.15 i lokale 21.0.49


Manuela de Barros


Maître de conférences – Département d’Arts plastiques
                                    Université Paris 8

The Technologized body:

The Vampire and the Cyborg

The new myths linked to such themes as Nature, Feminism,     Technosciences, Machinery, Industry and Capitalism


Manuela di Baross is a theoretician (philosophy and aesthetics) concerns with three fields of research:

  • contemporary art and new media aesthetics; arts, sciences and technologies; technosciences and their influence on biology, anthropology and environment as seen in art.
  • philosophical approach of archetype of power and domination; negative mythologies in the contemporary; negative technologies and their links to politics and economy.
  • strategies of trangression as thought by gender theoreticians; contemporary feminism, sexual subversion and pornography. 


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