Image Politics

Seminar April 10 & 11 2010, Folkets Hus (The People’s House), Copenhagen.

Since September 11 a new visual landscape has emerged following the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a part of the so-called War on Terror a visual bombardment threatens to leave us with still fewer counter-images and resistance-strategies. Censorship of the media and control of the public sphere has become the order of the day. But the images from the Abu Ghraib prison show that despite a tightly managed visual regime – images that disturb the tightly managed control of representation of the war do still appear.

The seminar’s main focus will be the image politics during the War on Terror combined with an attempt to pick up on new modes of resistance and production of counter images emerging from subcultural groupings around the world.


Speakers include Iain Boal/Retort (US/Ir), O.K. Werckmeister (Ger), AW (DK), Curatorial Action (DK), Madeleine Bernstoff (Ger) and more to be confirmed.

Organised by associate professor Mikkel Bolt (art historian), University of Copenhagen, professor Nils Norman (visual artist), The Royal Academy of Copenhagen, and professor Jakob Jakobsen (visual artist), Funen Art Academy in collaboration with a group of students.

Folkets Hus
Stengade 50,
Nørrebro, Copenhagen

Saturday April 10 at 10am to 6pm – food/social in the evening
Sunday April 11 at 11am to 6 pm.

Info and schedule:

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