Historizing the Avant-Garde – Konference

I forlængelse af instituttets studenterkonference er IKK 18.-22. november vært for Nordisk Netværk for Avantgardeforsknings konference Historizing the Avant-Garde. Studerende er meget velkomne:

Historizing the Avant-Garde

From the vantage point of the 21st century, we can map the cultural geography of the avant-garde movements and traditions of the 20th century. Historical sources, works and documentation have been made available. Archives have been opened to researchers and audiences in both analogue and digital form. Historical connections severed by war and iron curtain can be reconstructed. Movements, concepts and art works are being revived and re-enacted.

Several research projects attempt to historize avant-gardes that, by their very nature, were out of time with history. But how does one write the history of the avant-gardes? Which consequences do different historiographies have for our conception of the avant-gardes? Are the concepts of “historical avant-gardes”, “neo-avant-garde” and “last avant-garde” still significant? In what ways has the relation between the avant-garde and the art institution changed? Does avant-garde art still have a critical role to play? And is there an avant-garde today?

These questions form the framework for the conference Historizing the Avant-Garde in Copenhagen on November 18-22, 2009.

Keynote speakers:

Vojtech Lahoda (Charles University, Prague): Affinity, Emulation or Adaptation? “Cubism Remake” on Eastern Orbit.

Wolfgang Asholt (Universität Osnabrück): Theory-Death or Challenge for Art And Literature: What Remains of The Project of the (Historical) Avant-Garde?

Malte HagenerRoutes of Exchange, Imaginary Geographies – Mapping the Networks of the film Avant-Garde, 1919-39

Key panels:

Cultural and Institutional Geographies of the Avant-Gardes

Avant-Gardes, Technology and Media

Historizing Early Nordic Avant-Gardes – Presentation of The Cultural History of the Nordic Avant-Garde vol. 1


Department of Art and Cultural Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Vej 1, Building 21
2300 Copenhagen S

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