Værelse søges maj-juni 2009

Kære alle, en tysk phd-studerende, Felicia Rappe, mangler et værelse i Kbh i maj-juni måned. Hvis du kender nogen, som vil leje et værelse ud, så giv besked (se mailadresse nederst). Cirkulér gerne.

Med venlig hilsen,

Start på videresendt besked:
Maybe you remember that I told you last autmn that I planned to come to Copenhagen in May/June, as my Doctoral School has a cooperation with the Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies. Actually, it is still the plan and I already had a nice room in a shared flat. Unfortunately, the girl who was going to rent the room and who lives in the flat herself, canceled yesterday for health reasons; she won´t rent the rooms any more… So I have, quite short termed, to look for another accomodation for those two months and I wanted to ask you if you had, by chance, any idea of someone renting a room in a (shared) flat or a small apartment?
I would appreciate very much if you could help me out. Thank you!

Felicia Rappe, email: felicia.rappe@nullgmx.de

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