Workshop med Julian Boal og Vahid

Call for participants
The Other Way Around
17-21 May 2010

A Goossun Art-illery workshop exploring Theatre Anthropology and Theatre of the Oppressed at the Danish Center for Performing Arts (Odsherred Teaterskole) in Denmark

JOIN US for a four-day workshop combining the techniques and principles of Theatre Anthropology (TA) and Theatre of the Oppressed (TO), as developed by Eugenio Barba and Augusto Boal respectively. Led by Augusto´s son, Julian Boal, and Goossun Art-illery’s artistic director, Vahid, the workshop explores the relationship between these two major theatrical notions of the twentieth century. Both methods are being used by Goossun Art-illery in the creation of HamletZar, a research-based cultural project leading to a new piece of dance theatre, which aims to address the socio-political rights of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees and seeks to interact with these communities as part of the creative process. The first two days of the workshop will include separate sessions of physical and vocal training and TO work. The last two days will be a synthesis of the two methods.


JULIAN BOAL has led workshops in Theatre of the Oppressed both individually and with his father, Augusto Boal, in more than 20 countries, and has collaborated on TO festivals in India, Croatia, Spain and Brazil. He has published articles in France, Brazil and Greece, translated The Rainbow of Desire into French, co-ordinated the new French edition of Games for Actors and Non-Actors and authored Imagens de um Teatro Popular, published in 2000.

VAHID is Goossun Art-illery’s founder and Artistic Director. A theatre director, filmmaker and performer trainer, he began his career in Iran as director of an experimental theatre group interested in research on acting. In 2001, he left Iran for Holstebro, Denmark, where he studied with Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret. He sought asylum in Denmark and after spending two and half years in refugee camps, including the notorious Sandholmlejren, he was granted asylum in 2003. He has studied with several masters of Oriental and Western theatre including Akira Matsui (Noh), Augusto Boal (TO) and Augusto Omolú (Orixa).


Dates: 17th – 21st of May 2010, 9:00 to 18:00
Location: Odsherred Teaterskole, Danish Center for Performing Arts, Annebergparken 22, 4500 Nykøbing Sjælland, Denmark.
Price: 300 Euro (2200 DKK) – Price includes accommodation and food. Book by 17th of April 2010 for a 25 Euro (200 DKK) early bird discount
Registration: Contact Dafne Louzioti ( before the 10th of May 2010. Please send a few lines about yourself (not a CV).

• The workshop will be given in English, but each participant should memorize a short text in his/her native language prior to the workshop.
• This workshop is suitable for artists, educators, social workers, journalists and individuals affected by issues of immigration.
• There is a maximum of 25 participants, so book early to avoid disappointment.

For more information, please visit the website:

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