Study Group on Migration Presents

Talks. Workshops. Visual & Sound art / Museet for Samtidskunst

I efteråret 2016 etablerede museet for Samtidskunst en studiegruppe Study Group on Migration. Her mødtes kunstnere, asylansøgere, aktivister og akademikere for at diskutere migration. Nu inviterer gruppen alle nysgerrige til at være med.

Lørdag 21. januar 12.00 – 17.30 præsenterer gruppen dele af deres arbejde på Museet for Samtidskunst. Der vil være talks, workshops og lydkunst. Det er gratis at være med. Dagens program foregår på engelsk og tilmelding er ikke nødvendig.

// How does the current migration challenge the idea of the nation state, borders and questions ofbelonging? And how can we approach this conflicted field, overcome ’othering’ and contribute to new ways of understanding ourselves and each other.

In the fall, the Museum of Contemporary Art established a Study Group on Migration. 17 people including artists, asylum seekers, activists and academics, met over 5 times to discuss this very topic. The result was an intense and ramified journey, with each person bringing hers or his specific knowledge to the dialogue.

Now, we would like YOU to join the conversation. On Saturday January the 21st we invite everybody to experience workshops, performances, sound art and talks engaging in the topic of migration and challenging ‘othering’ in relation to this.

The event will take place from 12.00 – 5.30pm at Museum of Contemporary Art, Stændertorvet 3D, Roskilde 4000, but a program will be out soon!

Hope to see you there!


The Study Group and the Museum of Contemporary Art

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